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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294

    In years past, doctors would pull the plug on antithyroid drugs (ATDs) after 12-18 months – and refer patients to RAI or surgery if they became hyperthyroid again. But the landscape has changed with new research and new medical guidelines. Check out “GDATF Community Conversations: Long-Term Use of Antithyroid Drugs” to hear patients sharing their personal experiences with this approach. (Note: a well-sourced debate over treatment options is always welcome, but comments that get personal will be removed.)

    If you are new to the concept of long-term use of anti-thyroid drugs (ATDs), we suggest starting with our February 2021 webinar featuring endocrinologists Dr. Eve Bloomgarden and Dr. David Cooper. That program provides a deep dive into how ATDs work, what the risks and benefits are, how the medical guidance has changed over the years, and the importance of antibody testing – as well as the latest research on this treatment option. You can view that program here:

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Kimberly.
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