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  • Jules
    Post count: 85

    Hi – Sorry to hear you are having to go through this disease.I want to for warn you I am having a bad week so Please do not take anything that I say as solid gold advise. When we have bad days we sometimes come across wrong angery etc, so I dont want to scare you.

    Yea we all have good days and bad days it takes about 6-8 weeks on meds before you actually start feeling the difference. This is all are a part of my new norm. anytime I start something I say OK I can do the next 6 weeks to get better.

    I was on the MMI for a few months never did feel actually right with them but that is just me I was allergic reaction to them. I’m the 1% on them, others on here had no issues and have felt really good on them even remission. I had RAI in Nov 5 2010 I felt really great in early to Mid Dec. I mean REALLY GREAT. Then I started to slip down into the hypo with symptoms but the blood lagged so far behind that I was REALLY HYPO when it finally did show on the routine blood work. So now I have a new norm for 6 – 8 weeks.

    I have figure out that we are the ones dealing with this and we feel all of our changes way before Dr’s jump in. trust you instincts. They usually are correct.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome to the boards! Yep, it also took me about two months on the meds before I started feeling like myself again. And it was definitely a “two steps forward, one step back” kind of a journey…so there were definitely some bad days along the way. But you *will* get your health and your life back!

    The fact that we “don’t look sick” seems to be both blessing and curse. Those who have the worst of the Thyroid Eye Disease can tell you that it is very difficult to deal with the outside world when we suddenly don’t look like ourselves. But on the other hand, when we don’t “look sick”, it is easy for those around us to dismiss our condition as being no big deal.

    You might try clicking on “Community” and “Find a Support Group” to see if there is a support group in your area. It is definitely helpful to be able to connect with other patients who understand what we are going through. Friends and family members are welcome to attend.

    If your friends and family members are willing to educate themselves a bit about Graves’, you might mention to them that we have several articles on our web site. You can access them from the home page at From the home page, click on “Publications” (ignore the drop-down options) and then click on any area of interest.

    Take care – and please check back to let us know how you are doing!

    Post count: 1

    hello everyone i just learned in Dec that i have graves disease and i am so happy to have found this site. although thyroid problems run in the family i have never heard of GD everyone i have talked to seems to think its no big deal. and act as if i should be better just because the doc has started my treatment. i have good days and bad days is this normal? will this be something i deal for the rest of my life? how do i get those around me to understand that this? i have even had people say well you dont look sick to me or they joke about it saying we always new there was something wrong with you. you know that i am crazy. just happy i found this place thanks for letting me vent.

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