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  • bradybunch6x1
    Post count: 78

    Hello all,
    I did have this post oked via PM before I decided to post this link. It is a link that is full of information for people that are looking for things about Neonatal Graves disease. It is however very full of medical terms, so you may or may not understand it. I myself have found it usefull, and it has helped answer alot of questions. It is pretty much an overview of everything related to this disease in the Neonatal period, and can also find information on young children in this link as well. I hope that if someone that needs this information comes looking here they can find it. … t&resnum=1

    Post count: 100

    Thank you for bringing to my attention Chapter 76 in Werner & Ingbar’s The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text. The chapter title is Graves’ Disease in the Neonatal Period and Childhood by Stephen H. LaFranchi and Cheryl E. Hanna. I Actually I have the 9th edition of the book at home but was not aware of the article. Looking at the section Radioiodine Therapy I was able to find an answer to the question, At what age is RAI treatment recommended for children? In the summary discussion, LaFranchi and Hanna say “…most pediatric endocrinologists prefer not to treat children [with radioiodine] until they are 10 years of age or older." The 9th edition that I am reading was published in 2004. Now that five more years has gone by and that more time has gone by to observe the effects of RAI treatment on children, results may show that it is safer to treat children with radioactive iodine even earlier.
    Ellen Brightly
    Administrative Assistant
    Graves’ Disease Foundation
    400 International Drive
    Williamsville, NY 14221
    Toll-free – (877) 643-3123

    Post count: 78

    I think this book is really a great resource and wish I had the money that it cost to purchase it, but was so glad to see that parts of it were available to read. I was glad to see Dr. LaFranchi had written it, as I have had the pleasure in meeting with him in the past, so knew that this information was of great use. I also think that you actually may have answered a question that I may have to soon face with my son as he is 11 now, and we haven’t started treatment for his Graves disease, because he is just showing elevated antibodies, and no thyroid disfunction at this time(but labs are due to be done again). So thank you as well.

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