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  • Andros
    Post count: 29

    Michael……… you already sense; this is not a good thing. I am sorry this is happening. It is entirely possible for the Graves’ Disease patient to have severe emotional problems and even become psychotic.

    In my personal case, I sought counseling from a Christian Psychologist while I was recovering from being treated for Graves’. It was the best 2 years of my life and money well spent.

    You and your wife may also wish to consider a more permanent treatment, that being either ablation or RAI. Each one of us is so different. Therefore we don’t all respond the same to the treatment modalities offered.

    I do hope you are making your wife’s doctor aware of what is going on?

    There is no question but that we all will remain concerned so please stay in touch and let us know!

    Keeping you and your family in prayer, Lu Anne

    Post count: 484

    It is quite possible that a lot of these feelings are from the Graves. Call her doctor now and see if you can get her in today to at least talk. In my worst time I cried and cried every day especially right at the beginning. It felt so suffocating to not know what was happening and how long it would take to get out of the woods. There are people on this board who have had success with anxiety medications. I didn’t have to go that route but would have if necessary to find some peace. My medications started to work in a few months and I muddled through. It is hard and scary. We will be thinking about you and your wife. Please let us know what happens. When she is ready later reading some of the past posts on this board may help her not feel so alone.


    Post count: 6

    Hang in there!
    From the little I know, treatment helps and this will only be temporary.
    Perhaps you should contact her doctor and discuss your immediate concerns as her mood is bound to turn again.
    I have young children myself. Getting her any extra outside help with childcare to eleviate extra stress on her end would be helpful. Whatever you can do additionally to help w/ your child and household responsibilities will go far. And make sure your precious 1 1/2 year old is safe.
    Hang in there and it will be allright <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 216


    As Lyn said, make sure your little one is safe. This may mean that your wife should not be left alone with her. I understand that this may be difficult to do but it may be necessary.

    If you cannot get your wife into her regular Dr you can also take her to an emergency room. She needs mental health help as fast as possible. It sounds like her mental heath is as seriously compromised as her physical health and both NEED to be treates as soon as possible.

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I cannot imagine the stress you must be under.

    I’m praying for your family.


    Post count: 78

    I myself was a basket case during the few months that I was trying to get my thyroid under control, but I am very concerned about your wife, it doesn’t sound as though she id doing well at all. If it were my wife, I would be calling the doctor, or even be taking a trip to the ER for the type of behavior that your wife is experiencing. As you said it is way beyond thyroid storm(which it could very well be). Delusions are not typlical of Graves, but if thyroid storm is the cause, then she most certainly needs a doctor. If the doctor doesn’t sound concerned over the whole suicide thoughts you might want to try the ER. If you have read indepth about thyroid storm, you know that it can actually cause death if not treated, so please take your wife in as soon as possiable. I pray that you will get the help you need, and are able to confort your wife in this heart wrenching battle of this disease. I myself would also be trying to find another care giver for your child during this time, as it seems your wife is very unstable, and unable to perform her motherly duties right now. I was raising two children by myself at the time I was sick, and found it almost impossiable to do that on my own, with the help of some great family friends I managed. It’s hard to even think straight when dealing with this disease at times, I myself went threw times when I couldn’t even remember how to spell my own name. If you can’t remember things like that then think of how it must be to take care of a toddler at this point. My prayers are with you and your family, and I hope that you can get your wife the help she is so desprately in need of at this time.

    Post count: 1

    My wife has been diagnosed with Graves a few months ago. Seeing Endocrinologist. Taking the Methizole and Atropol (sp). Dr took her off the Atropol due to a very low heart rate and told us to hold off on the Methizole for a week so we can get labwork done thurs. The psychological effects have just become unbearable. She is convinced that everything is poison, people can hear her thoughts.. Yesterday she was talking suicide. I am at the end the rope here. We live in N.W Florida. She is a stay at home mom and takes care of our 1 1/2 yr old daughter. Our whole family has been supportive but this is beyond what any of us can handle. What can we do?? She is afraid of everything under the sun. No matter how much we pray and seek the truth she still is losing her mind every minute. I love my wife will continue to be supportive but I am worn out and worn down emotionally, psychologically and physically. I trust in the Lord for all things and he has helped get me this far. But what else can we do?? I have been online and researched as much as possible but that still doesn’t change the fact that she is experiencing EXTREME psychological effects on top of the regular mood swings and depression. I know that the Dr’s are doing the best that they can but is there any other help available for us? She is a little better today, realizing that she doesn’t want to die but is exhausted from battling her own mind.. What am I missing? IS there anything I should be doing? This is beyond the Thyroid Storm I have read about. Hell this is beyond the Thyroid Perfect Storm it feels like.. Any insight or suggestions would be desperately appreciated. Words cannot express how I feel right now.. At this point my only option may be to have her admitted somewhere ,which ,just the thought makes me sick to my stomach…


    Post count: 199


    I can only imagine that my husband felt the EXACT same way you are feeling. I knew it must have been overwhelming for him during my bad time. he’s used to me handling EVERYTHING and I could barely get out bed. I also stay at home caring for my children and my 3 nieces and nephew. Believe me when I say she’s really feeling the way she is – she’s not exagerating. It’s a horrible feeling to be so out of control.

    I had some anxiety issues as well. I no longer trusted my body and every little thing that was happening I felt sure that I would die from. I finally went on a low dose of an anti-depressant. I really didn’t want to, but I couldn’t live like I was. I’ve been on meds (methimazole and zoloft) since March and feel almost back to normal. I’d say I felt pretty good after about 3 months – the 3 longest months of my life!

    So hang in there. This rough period will end – even though that doesn’t seem possible right now for either of you. Keep us posted.


    Post count: 1569

    In many ways, what she’s experiencing is CHEMICAL, so try and keep that thought in mind ~ it’s not that she’s just "let her thoughts get the best of her," she is truly, chemically imbalanced in her brain right now. Talk therapy is not likely to break through this. ONLY getting her thyroid hormone levels back in line will TRULY help, though anti-anxiety meds can assist in the meantime. The complication there is that you need to find the one that works best for her, AND you need to wait for it to build up and become effective, so there is no magic wand we can wave and have her feel better *snap* NOW.

    Taking some of the pressure off is likely to help some, so no matter what it "costs," it’s worth getting some help for her right now, in terms of caring for your child.

    And one last thought ~ if she were truly in thyroid storm, you’d be calling 911. These symptoms are scary, but you would DEFINITELY know the difference if she were in storm.

    Post count: 435


    So sorry to hear that things are not good for your wife. I had a terrible time emotionally and mentally after my TS… Verging on a complete breakdown. My endo agreed that I was going out of my mind. Your wife sounds as though she is having a paranoid psychosis though and although a lot of that can stem from chemical thyroid levels there may be an underlying condition there too such as depression which can be treated with meds. Has she had PND? You really do need to contact a medical professional ASAP as this can start to be treated rather than holding off to see if it settles.

    Please keep us posted xxx

    Post count: 153

    I’m so sorry this montrous disease is affecting you and your family, but I believe we’ve all been where you are now with our spouse. I’m happy to see that your wife has your love and support through this sickness. I only WISH that my husband was interested enough in my GD to seek out websites as wonderful as this one for the knowledge and support you’ll receive here.
    Just wanted you to know your family are in my thoughts and prayers through life’s journey with GD. Know there will be very frustrating times, but everyone tells me there’s light at the end of the tunnel once your levels even out…I’m waiting for the light, like a lot of others on this site.
    I agree, call your wife’s dr. NOW. Best wishes Michael.

    Post count: 398

    Dear Michael,

    I hope that by the time you read this, you will have taken your wife to the doctor and/or ER, and have some plan of action. What you describe is not something that we "wait and see", it is very serious. If I knew where you live, I might be able to help you find someone to help. Right now, this isn’t even a "counseling" situation. I will send you a PM.

    Take care,

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