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  • valligary
    Post count: 3

    Hello, I have a question that I can’t find a simple answer to. Question: Once you receive the Radiation Iodine Treatment and result in having low thyroid, do you still have Grave’s Disease? Thank you for your answer in advance. Valli

    Post count: 1324

    The answer is not quite as simple as the question. What makes us SICK is hyperthyroidism. If you have RAI and eliminate the thyroid, you are removing an organ that is making you ill. Hypothyroidism is also an illness state, but it is much easier to "fix" than hyperthyroidism caused by antibody action.

    Do we still have Graves disease? Well, we still have the antibodies that made the thyroid act up. And it is not completely known what impact these antibodies have on our eye muscles, and our skin on the legs. Some researchers tie the antibodies that made us hyper directly to the eye muscle problems and the skin problems. Others think that there are different antibodies at play.

    So, yes, we may still "have" Graves. But we will no longer be hyperthyroid and ill. And as long as we are on the appropriate level of replacement hormone, we will not be ill at all. Although we might develop the eye disease or pretibial myxedema.

    Post count: 3

    Thank you, Bobbi, for the explanation. I suppose the best answer for someone who asks is that I am now LOW thyroid. That is plain and simple enough. There’s apparently no need to explain about having Grave’s Disease once the Radiation Iodine Treatment or surgery to remove the thyroid is completed.

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