Hi everyone. I have missed out on a lot, and am currently up to message number 606, and have about ten days to read to be caught up. My computer is really messed up, and I am trying to get a “loaner” to have while mine is being repaired. I have been taking lots of notes, and when I get caught up will do a LONG message addressing a variety of topics.
I have been making a lot of copies of your questions and rsponses, and willbe taking them to the American Thyroid Association Meeting the middle of next month. I think they will be quite impressed with the quality (not to mention the quantity) of the activity on the net.
I plan to take over Jake’s duties November 4-10, so he can take some much need time off.
Will be catching up in a few days. I’ve been reading for over two and a half hours. You are ALL doing such a great job!
Take care of yourselves and each other.