Hello all,
There have been many posts about total thyroidectomy surgeries lately and I’d like to contribute my experience to the forum, in the hopes it would help others who are thinking about this option!Alexis, thanks for asking about my surgery
You are so sweet! Hope you are still making lots of progress and feeling better with each passing day.
My surgery was yesterday with a check-in time at 5:30am. I was prepped and ready to go into surgery at about 8:00am. They did an EKG as a precaution because I was put on Propranolol in preparation for the surgery and took a urine sample as well. My anesthesiologist was so great – I mentioned that I had Thyroid Eye Disease and he made sure to keep my eyes moist and covered during the surgery. It’s true what they say, all I remember is hearing him say he was going to give me something to relax and the next thing I know I am waking up in recovery! My surgery was completed at 12:45pm and I was then in recovery for about an hour before being wheeled up to my room.
My surgery went well! No damage to the parathyroids! No drain at the incision site either. My surgeon used dissolvable stitches and closed with steri strips on top, which are supposed to fall off naturally in about a week. I can shower normally, just no soaking in the tub and no swimming for three weeks.
I do have to admit I was in more pain than I expected the first three hours after surgery. Mainly it was because of the size of the intubation tube…they said they had to use a somewhat large one that also had nerve sensors on it. But, after taking some Vicodin and a nap, I felt 100% better. I stayed overnight at the hospital and mainly just drank juice. I was able to eat a little bit of jello yesterday and some rice today. My throat still is very sore but it’s getting better. I couldn’t go to the restroom at first so they had to catheterize me (because of the anesthesia) but after a few hours I could go on my own.
I am taking calcium supplements as a precaution and started my Synthroid and Cytomel today as well. I was a little worried about the “rush” i would experience as a result of the Cytomel but I didn’t feel it today (perhaps because of the Vicodin). How long will it take for me to begin getting a sense if my dosing is close to the mark? A few weeks?
My incision is a very nice straight line, about 3 inches. There is some bruising and swelling but I am putting an ice pack on every hour. My voice is still weak, but I am practicing!
Overall, I am so happy to have this over with. The anticipation was the worst part and I am just going to take it one day at a time and be patient and optimistic that I will find the right dosages of my medicine. I will keep you updated!
Congratulations! I’m so glad it went well and thanks for sharing the experience with us. I’m talking careful note because one day I may need to do this too. Please keep us updated with how your recovery goes! A question for you, was the option presented for you to do the surgery outpatient? My endo said that’s how it would be done if I did it, yet you and others I’ve read about stayed overnight. Would you have been ready to go home the same day if they’d have let you?
Actually, as a graves patient my surgeon said she wanted me to stay overnight. And honestly, since this was my first surgery experience I would say I wouldn’t have been in a state to go home the same day. While at first I didn’t like the thought of staying overnight, I’m glad I did.
Congratulations! It sounds like all went well. I’m doing okay; not sure if the Synthroid dose is right. To be honest, I think it might be a little high! I don’t know though- could still just be getting better from surgery and traveling across the country to and from (we just got back last night). I’m supposed to wait 4-6 weeks actually from when I started Synthroid to get my bloodwork done. So, Sunday with be 2 weeks on it, so 2 more weeks to wait. My voice is pretty good though; I don’t think I could yell across the park… but, for everyday use, it’s pretty good now.
I was allowed to go home after the surgery (day of) about 4 hours after. If I hadn’t had my mom to help me though, I would have preferred to stay at the hospital. That first 24 hours is rough, 2nd day is a little tough too, but then it gets manageable.
Glad to hear the cytomel is doing fine for you with the Synthroid so far. I keep Nature throid tucked in the back of my mind in case the Synthroid doesn’t work out for me- whether it be numbers or symptoms. Not sure if my endo. will allow me to go that route if I decide upon it at some point, but I was willing to try the Synthroid route first and give it a chance. I did insist on the brand name though as that seemed to make a difference for some. Patience, patience… it’s hard; I want to be 100% now
Hello hhchong,
I’m new and you can call me Caro.
Good to hear all went well with your surgery.
Get well soon.
Hi Alexis,
I know what you mean! Patience is key but it is hard! And I am only a few days post-surgeryYou’re doing great!
I am also keeping Nature-throid in the back of my mind as well. I have a follow-up with my endo in six weeks so I’ll be curious to see how everything shakes out.
Please keep me posted on your progress! I was able to just take Tylenol today and it feels great to be off the strong painkillers.
Take care!
Congratulations. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and thank you for sharing your experience.
Cheers, hugs and kisses
DebbieHappy your surgery went so well! I didn’t know the surgery would take so long! And the incision is quite large. I am scared my voice will change!
Speedy Recovery!
Thanks for all the well wishes! Feeling better with each day, voice is sounding more normal and my appetite is back!
VanIsle Gal,
I think everyone’s surgery time is different depending on what the surgeon encounters- lots of variables probably. Mine was 2 hours & my incision is about 2 1/4 inches. Just depends. I think the main thing is to have a surgeon who does a lot of thyroidectomies and is very comfortable doing them. There are certain ways to avoid complications besides finding a competent surgeon as well- like being euthyroid (even thyroid hormone levels) before surgery, being healthy in general, asking if the surgeon uses a nerve stimulator to locate the RLN (Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve) to avoid damage to the vocal chords. Make sure your surgeon is doing the surgery 100% and not residents. As far as incisions (although maybe a vanity thing) asking about a subcuticular stitch is good too- less of a scar.
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