Hi guys
Today was a horrible day and I thought yesterday was bad. The 80 plus degrees each day combined with humidity is KILLING ME.
With my thyroid being TSH 2.64, they don’t feel my heat intolerance has anything to do with my Graves’ disease. I wonder how they know? Is it possible to have still symptoms even though TSH is in normal range?
My TSI is still 800.
I was outside. It was okay at first. But I find the heat intolerance builds very slowly and once it hits, it takes hours to go away. Went to the mall. Felt flushed but not horrible, just mildly uncomfortable. Then I went to the supermarket. It was freezing in there so I put on one of my light blazers.
I was in there quite a while and got very very cold. But when I get very very cold for a long period of time, Bam! the heat overcomes my body and I begin to sweat and get awfully warm. Well? I lost it. There I am, crying in the supermarket. Once I got outside. It was HOT! But when I got in the car, I had to crank the AC up full blast.
I got home and was so depressed. Talked to gynecologist. She said she thinks it’s menopausal symptoms, but she’s pretty smart. She said in her opinion, could be Graves’ even though thyroid is in normal range because “every person is different.” So what does anyone think of this?
I want to go to a very cold place to live right now. Maybe sit on an iceberg. I HATE THIS HEAT. And when I think I won’t feel better until September? I want to take the bridge.
Okay, Boomer. Make me laugh. I could use it right now.
HUGS to you! You’ve probably already mentioned this elsewhere but are they willing to give you any hormones (female not thyroid) to make this easier?
Hi Raspberry, I am not on any female hormones at all right now. They had to take me off because of my surgery last week and I went “cold turkey.” It’s the wrong thing to do but with the cancer scare and the biopsy of the uterus, they didn’t want me on any HRT.
If the biopsy comes back okay, (still waiting) she said we would talk about some sort of replacement therapy for me.
The whole idea about HRT is pretty misleading which I believe led me to the operating room in the first place. There was not enough progesterone in the meds to keep the lining of the endometrium from growing. So I have had 2 surgeries now in the past 2 years because of it. The estrogen builds it up, the progesterone breaks it down. I didn’t have enough progesterone in my transdermal patch to do the job. When the endometrium grows, it’s a sign of cancer if the woman is having abnormal bleeding which I had. So I am abit leery about trying anything more HRT if the biopsy comes back benign.
Picturing you sitting on an iceberg. Also picturing you getting stuck to the iceberg…
Let me make a little diagram to help sort this out:
Ex. 1
____________________________HOT up here!
UU <
|^^^^^^^^^^^| <
IcebergC-c-c-c-cold down here!
Now how in the heck am I gonna get you off that thing? Hmmmmm let me think……
Spatula… Stat!
Good night all
LOL!!!!!!!!@Boomer, I knew I could count on you.
Don’t worry about me sticking to the iceberg. I’m so hot, I’ll melt it.
Your picture is funny! You have eyes like Russel Brand and he’s funny too!
Hi Karen – I’m so sorry that you are dealing with this on *top* of waiting for your biopsy results!
Your new gyn sounds like sounds like she is both knowledgeable and caring. Does she understand the significant quality of life impact that this is having on you? It seems like she might be the best person to help you put the puzzle pieces together and figure out why this is happening…and how to stop it.
In the meantime, is there someone locally that you can talk to about all the issues that you are experiencing? You know that we are always here for you on this forum…but there’s nothing like having a trusted counselor (or even a friend, pastor, etc.). to help you sort through your concerns face to face.
Please take care!
@Kimberly, yes, the new gynecologist seems very concerned and she explained to me in the recovery room, that we had to “work on” my quality of life because she said it isn’t very good. I am confident I explained it to her and what I go through each day..
All depends on pathology for now. We have to “plan” as she put it and then see if we can keep me from boiling to death in the summer weather. I told her I only like fall and winter and she said “you have to learn to enjoy the summer.” So she seems interested in working with me to see if and when she can help. I never get my hopes up, because many doctors have just thrown up their hands and told me they couldn’t help me. she probably will have the same response.
As far as who I can talk to? I had a couselor a few years ago and she and I didn’t mix very well. She told me I had to see a gynecologist so they just throw the ball back and forth like smooth tennis.
Nope, I’m all alone. Geez, for a girl who just might have cancer, my husband is being pretty nasty today. What’s that song by Joni Mitchell? “don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got til it’s gone?” He just might find out.
Hi Karen – Perhaps you can check with your new gyn for a referral? If I am remembering right from your prior posts (and feel free to jump in if not!), that referral came from a doc who completely missed the boat on your Graves’ diagnosis. Hopefully, this new doc might have a connection who is familiar with the specific issues faced by people dealing with a chronic illness.
Everyone on this forum is here for you 100%, and we are always willing to listen and offer our support. However, we just don’t have the know-how (or the proximity) to help if you are truly in a crisis situation. Boomer posted some nice links in a prior thread that I would really encourage you to investigate.
Please take care!
Aw dang I hear a lot of defeat in your post. It’s normal to get down sometimes, for sure, but try not to feed the negative thoughts. I know- easier said than done huh? Cancer worries on top of the rest of this mess can surely be overwhelming. I honestly can’t even pretend to understand. Sometimes, though, just talking it out can bring some comfort and you’re doing GREAT so keep up the good work!
Try not to let past performance of others dictate your expectations for the future. Who knows- maybe your new doctor will be the best doc you’ve ever had. It’s porsible right?
I had a lousy therapist last year – her heart was in the right place and I thik she would be awesome with kids but, well, I’m a straight shooter and a recovering addict and I think she was a bit intimidated by me. Whatever the case was she didn’t serve me well. I can’t give up on all helpers though, can I? No way.
This Grave’s business sure is tiresome but we can rise above it no matter the circumstance. The way I look at it my body might be a wreck but the guy insides falling to pieces is optional.
Hit me up any time and we can compare bowel movements. You know- like talking about the kids and all that.
Hey- just an idea. I tried…
Stay awesome,
@Kimberly, it was a referral actually sent to me by United Health Care. The idiot endocrinologist had nothing to do with it. He’s just good at scratching his head.
@Boomer, I think the bathroom humor, on my part, might be just alittle bit too much information! LOL!Sometimes I just feel like being alone. If I am not around for awhile, just consider me lurking. You guys are all great. But sometimes I just need to be by myself for awhile.
Love you all
Karenvanillasky wrote:
@Boomer, I think the bathroom humor, on my part, might be just alittle bit too much information! LOL!Sometimes I just feel like being alone. If I am not around for awhile, just consider me lurking. You guys are all great. But sometimes I just need to be by myself for awhile.
Love you all
KarenWAY too much information indeed
Never let it be said that I won’t go to *almost* any extreme to get a smile out of folks.
I totally get the deisre to be alone. As goofy and outgoing as I am on here I am, for the most part, an introvert. I love my dogs, my books, my guitars, and I looooove to put on an album, close my eyes, and let the music take me away.
Enjoy your peace Karen
Be well,
@Karen – If you feel that you are reaching a crisis point, I really think it’s important to try the counseling route again, even though the first referral you got was NOT what you were looking for. Check with your new gyn, your insurance company (always worth giving them a second chance), or with local hotline services.
No worries if you want to take a break from the board for a while…but *please* take care of yourself!
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