I guess doctors vary on suggestions, but last year when I was pregnant I caught the flu and had it for over 3 weeks. I felt horrible, but I was told I could take Robitussin. But no generics, only the regular brand. I never had problems with it.
I woke up Saturday morning with the worst sinus headache! All blocked up and no drug to take. The pain was so bad I was nausious. I’d made the mistake a few months ago of taking a cold/flu med with pseudoephedrine hydrochloride in it and my pulse shot up. No one told me and there was no warning on the label about thyroid disease. (remember I live in New Zealand where the labeling laws are slack) Anyway, yesterday I was in so much pain I had to do something. Brett told me to put on my swim suit and he was going to bring me to the ocean to get some sea water up my nose. It’s not warm here at the moment and it was hard going but I did it and, boy, did it work! I know this isn’t probably much of an option for you, Shannon. You’d probably have to break through 4 feet of ice first, but just an idea for the summer time perhaps?
I had a pretty bad flu bug over the Christmas period. This was followed by the usual sinnusitis. My doctor told me that sinutab was not contraindicated, but it might increse my heart rate enough to make me uncomfortable. He said I could try and to stop immediately if there was any problem. He also said I was to steam myself several times a day and use saline nasal spray. He also prescibed some antibiotics. I felt well in three days. However, I have to admit that I only managed three sinutabs before my heart was up to 110bpm. This stopped as soon as the sinutab wore off.
Sorry, I mentioned a brandname. However, this would be true of any decongestant OTC medication. They all contain similar ingredients.
Hi everyone,
Had my doctors appt. yesterday and during the visit I thought I’d ask
her again if there was something I could take for my cold that I just
recently caught. I don’t know what I was thinking, maybe that there
would be a new cold medication on the market that didn’t have a warning
on the label for people with thyroid disease! how silly of me to think
such a thing. Anyway she told me I was not to take anything for my
cold. I have to ride it out has usual. Any “natural” remedies for a
cold that someone could suggest? please don’t say chicken soupAll the best,
I have terrible allergies/sinus trouble and take Chlortrimaton when
needed and it helps the sniffles without speeding up the heart and it
was ok with the endo and I check everything out with the pharmacist
and he ok’d it also.Hi all – I’ve been reading your posts about cold remedies. The fine print on pretty much all over-the-counter cold medications says not to take it if you have thryoid disease. My doctor said it wasn’t too big a deal, but to be careful because of the heart rate. I found a cold medication that’s intended for people with high blood pressure, and it doesn’t have the thryoid disease warning. I’ll try to get the name of it.
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