Hi all, I thank you all for posting and I am just learnign so much from this site and trying to ask the right qestions so here goes. I have been diagnosed with maybe Lupas and my mother had it Diagneses with Menieres diseas, Sjorgrens Syndrome , Ostioarthritis, PCOS many years agao at 18 and now at 50 Graves disease. Well all of the others I have been diagnosed with I have gone into reimssion from time to time and I have always turned down the radical surgerys for treatmens when offerd and I think I will probly go into remission from Graved disease too if I just wait long enough. What are your thoughts. You know there really isn’t anything wong with my Thyroid gland it is my immune system thatn is attacking it. I told this to my GP today looking for support on alernative treatments to RAI or Thyroidectomy and she got mad and rollled her eyes and told me that my Endo was the best and to listen to him because I can’t stay Hyper. But isn’t it true after iether of the more radical traatmets I mentions earlier I will then be Hypo and hacve to take those meds. man am I oxnfused and scared. Wow I sue wish I knew what to do. Any help or information in the Victoria BC area or Vancoiuver Island Area or Vancouver area I would appreciate it so much. thanks all and take care of your selves now :)LillyL
Hi LillyL – In response to this post and your other one on labs, I would certainly ask your doctor *why* RAI or surgery are being recommended in your case.
Both are valid treatment options, and posters on this board have had success with both.
However, you don’t get a “do-over” once you make the decision to pursue either of these treatments. So if you are feeling any reluctance, I would certainly dig deeper with your doc to see WHY he/she is recommending RAI or surgery. Have you been on the meds for a while and aren’t controlled? Are you having a serious allergic reaction? Are you having liver or WBC issues?
Bottom line, you need to be comfortable with whichever treatment option you select.
I’ve been on anti-thyroid drugs for 4.5 years, and am not in remission — although my levels are under control, my antibody levels are still high. There is another facilitator here, James, who is currently in an extended period of remission after 3 (I believe) rounds of ATDs. You might go back and search his posts for additional information.
Also, I believe you mentioned herbs and supplements in a prior post. Please make sure your endo and your GP know about *all* supplements you are taking. Some can interact with other meds you have been prescribed. And others could potentially have high levels of iodine, which can make hyperthyroidism even worse.
Take care!
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