Caffeine boosts are undoubtedly a really bad idea. I know you are tired. Being hyperthyroid does that to us. Our bodies are working too fast 24/7. There’s no such thing as "rest" periods, which is why our sleep patterns get disrupted so easily. But making your heart work faster, your body work faster, when it is already working too fast, really isn’t going to help pep you up, and it might make you feel worse actually.
The antithyroid meds (a.k.a. ATDs) like PTU do typically work right away to block the production of new thyroid hormone. Unfortunately, the thyroid cells store thyroid hormone and until those stored supplies are used up you may not feel a whole lot of difference. Then, you and your doctor will have to calibrate the dose of ATD to find just the right amount. If you take too large a dose, over time, you will become hypothyroid. Too small a dose will leave you hyperthyroid. So plan on three weeks to a month before you start to feel any real difference.
Meanwhile, just pamper yourself when you can. I hope you are feeling much better, and soon…..
Thank you for the information. I just find it very hard to work, clean house, and care for my children. I sleep A LOT, and at work I feel so lousy I can hardly work. I would hate to quit my job or get fired because of this. HMMM maybe I could ask for FMLA and take some time off to get my meds correct and heal a little bit and stop stressing about how I will feel while I am at work. This is so frustrating to be this way; and not want to do anything. Is this normal?
Now I know that Graves can make you tired, but I am completely exhausted and have no spunk to me at all. I did let the dr know about it, but has anyone else experienced extreme fatigue to the point of needing to nap each day? I try caffeine, but it doesn’t work. I drink water and eat right but that as well doesn’t help. When I am at work I can hardly sell anything because of my lack of motivation, soreness, and tiredness. If someone else can let me know what I should try or do that would be great. I am really trying to not feel sorry for myself, but it is hard when you can’t clean your house because you are so tired and weak.
” title=”Sad” /> I did start the PTU today so hopefully in the next month or two I will start to see the difference. I do have an appt with cardio 10/25 and the endo in 01/11. They did say I could call around to see if another endo could get me in sooner.
Hello – Everyone’s journey with Graves’ is a little different. My Graves’ was diagnosed fairly early in the process during a routine checkup, so my biggest struggles with fatigue came during my first couple of months on Anti-Thyroid Drugs. I seriously thought about asking to cut back to part-time at my job, but ended up fighting through the fatigue. I felt *much* better once my levels were stabilized.
FMLA is unpaid, so you would definitely want to make sure that this *wouldn’t* cause you extra stress in terms of finances! Also, there are some guidelines as to when a medical condition qualifies for FMLA, so you might check with your doctor or with an attorney for further guidance.
In the meantime, is there any way you can get some help at home? While your body is going through the healing process, it would definitely be helpful to identify any activities that you can potentially “ditch” or “delegate”.
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An attitude that helped me a lot when I was where you are: Treat yourself as your own best friend. Think about whatever it is you think you "must" do, and then think about what type of advice you would give your best friend if she/he felt the way you do. Would you tell her to "Buck Up!!" Or would you give her a huge hug and tell her that whatever it was could wait, or not be done, or be done somewhat easier? I found prepared foods — yes a tad more expensive, but very time saving. I learned to line roasting pans with aluminum foil to save on clean up. I shelved a whole lot of activities that I really didn’t have to do. It lowered my stress levels, and it allowed me some breathing space. You may be able to find lots of little adjustments that help you out.
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