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  • susandemarco
    Post count: 89

    I had RAI in January and became hypo in March of this year. My endo started me on synthroid then, and had to
    reduce my dosage about three times. My eye problem started when she reduced it from 88mcg to 75, because my
    bloodwork showed that I was still hyper. I too thought that it was because my dose was to low and I was starting to
    go hypo again, but that was not the case. Since then she has reduced my dose again to 50mcg. Hopefully, this
    will be the magic number. I am hoping once I am stablized everything will fall into place. Tomorrow morning I
    have another appointment with my ophthomologist. I hope he will give me some answers.

    Thank you for your post, and I hope everything goes well for you.

    Post count: 89

    Hi Bobbie,
    How long did your "hot phase" last, and after how long during that time did you star to develop double vision?


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