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  • npatterson
    Post count: 398

    Dear Chesney,

    May I assume you are getting your levels checked regularly? Does your doctor listen to you? Where do you live? an you come to the conference?

    Take care,

    Post count: 5

    Since i have been on metimazole my mental state has been deterioriating. Instead of getting better I feel like I’m losing control. Has anyone one had this experience? I’m losing my family. I feel like I’m in a car spinning out of control. I have been on med for almost year.

    Post count: 5

    yes i get my levels checked regularly. I tell her my mood is of no improvement. My endo is the only one in my area I live in NE Louisana

    Post count: 1569

    If your levels are normal, and they’ve remained stable for at least a few months, then mood issues SHOULD be getting better. Sometimes, though, our doctors are not nearly careful enough to notice this. They look at the results of a blood test and the box is checked that says "within range," and they shut off their brain and say "everything’s fine, must be something else." You should take a look at all of your test results and see how they relate to each other ~ if they have not been stabilized at one particular point, then perhaps the meds are not the best avenue for you, or perhaps you need to find a doctor who will help you manage them more carefully (even an internal med doctor, with some experience, can help with this ~ it doesn’t have to be an endocrinologist if they are hard to find for you locally). "Normal" is relative, as well ~ for some people the best "normal" is at a different place along the normal scale, so it’s important to find YOUR best normal point in order to feel your best. Again, it’s worth travelling if you must, in order to find a doctor that will help you feel truly WELL.

    Post count: 26

    My wife has graves and has been on a very low dose of Methimozole for just short of two years. It is a wonderful drug, it brought her numbers down to normal and has kept them there. Please take what I am saying with a grain of salt, I am the spouse. Her numbers are stable and her endo is starting to step her down off the drug to see if she can hold in remision. Glory halaluya but unfortunately perhaps a little too late. Life has been tough for us the past six yers for many reasons. Looking back at it though I keep getting hung up on the aspect that our marriage really went south after the Graves and TED was diagnosed and she went on Methimozole. I have read so many posts about people not being themselves anymore but you will come back after everything stablizes. I have posted question about the drug myself. Is it me? Is it the Graves? Is it the drug? Is it all the other things in life that havn’t gone according to plan? She has been asking for a divorce for the past year and a half. Five months after going on the drug. We will be seperating in two weeks after the kids are back in school. I realize nothing is over until it is over. Perhaps being seperated and having her step down off the drug will improve her desire to work on our marriage. All I can say is that she is no longer the person I married and hasn’t been for close to two years. We’ll see in the next few months if that person comes back. Things didn’t really change after she stabalized so I doubt if things will change after the drug goes away. Maybe I am just reaching for an excuse for the failing marriage…

    Thanks for letting me vent. Absolutely no scientific anything to back up my opinion. Methimozole is a wonderful drug that does what it is supposed to do very succesfully. IT WORKS. And I don’t have Grave’s so I shouldn’t even be commenting.


    Post count: 5

    Hi Kam

    That’s exactly what my husband says that he doesnt know who I am anymore. I’m not the same person. I’ve changed. I try to tell him its not him that it’s just something inside almost centered that just wants to explode. I’m just angry all the time. Your wife is lucky that you are actually on here taking the time to find out what is going with her. I try to explain to my husband and family about graves but they act like its no big deal.

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