Hi all,
Went to my Endo on Tuesday and got my results which were a bit baffling. My T4 is now at a dangerously low level, T3 whilst lowering slowly, is still dangerously high and TSH undetectable. So I have now been prescribed a low dose of Thyroxin in an effort to get T4 back up and maybe get the TSH to start working. Very interesting results to even my Endo who was surprised by the outcome. The good news (well, it was to me) is that my Liver while still not happy hasn’t gotten any worse, so hopefully that stays like it is or even gets better. I will post again next week after I have mulled over these results and had a chance to do some more research.
Stay well (or as well and happy as you can be and as much as Graves will allow you).
Cheers, hugs and kisses