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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I know you wonder about computer skills,I made a mistake my
    mailing address is local50053.Hopfully this will work.

    Your new friend,

    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone, I’m finally able to read some of the posts from the past three weeks. Still in pain as the stitches have not completely dissolved yet but it is slowly getting better. I can’t spend a lot of time on here as my eyes start to stream but I have noticed posts from several newcomers asking questions. I just want to say a BIG welcome to all you newcomers. This is a great place to be both for information and support. I don’t know what I would have done over the past year and a half without this BB.

    Thought I would mention if you don’t get your answers right away due to people not checking the board, being away, sick or whatever, there is lots of information right here. One thing is you can sort by author or subject so if you put in your subject and change the date to all previous posts you should get some instant answers. Also if you scroll down when you get to the Graves Disease page there is lots of information under Organizations and the General Information section. Also if you scroll to the bottom under Personal Pages and click on Dianne’s Homepage she has a section on Personal Stories which is excellent. Debby Jass’s story covers most surgeries. I realize that everyone likes to get that personal post from someone who has been there before but in the meantime there is lots of information right here to keep you busy making a list of questions for your doctor. He/She should be very impressed at your sudden knowledge of this little talked about disease!!

    Hope this helps. Wishing everyone happy days and better health and for all you Americans out there have a wonderful and SAFE Memorial weekend. SAS

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