I got my new lab tests this week
Thyroxine,Free: 0.99 range 0.76-1.46
TSH 2.030: range 0.358-3.800
Antinuclear antibody (ANA): Negative
Thyroid Peroxidase Ab: 0.7 range 0.0-9.0
Im still on Methimazole 2.5 mgI went to see an ND and she has me taking Natrum Muriaticum. Has anyone taken that before? And did it help? I have a bunch of other stuff she wants me to take as well. I go back in three weeks for followup.
I decided not to go to Shiley Eye clinic this month I reschedule for May because my Nuero Opth is really good. He measured my eyes and its still in normal range. He advise me to take these vitamins that you can only get online. Its been nine days since taking them and I must say it helped out ALOT! Its not just good for the eyes, but the whole body as well. I can feel a difference.
Is anyone here in remission from Graves? If so, how long did it take?Hello – I am not familiar with that supplement at all, and I would really encourage you to visit your endo or general practitioner before adding any supplements to your regimen. There are some supplements out there touted as being “healthful” for the thyroid, when in reality, they contain large amounts of iodine — which will make hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ even worse.
Also, certain supplements can interact with medicines that you are already taking.
As for remission, James is a facilitator here and is an extended period of remission (I believe 6-7 years) after three rounds on methimazole. You might also use the “search posts” function in the top right-hand corner of the screen and search posts for “remission” to read other stories.
Wishing you all the best!
I had a thyroid stimulating immunoglobin done couple days ago and received my results yesterday.
TSI 106 Range <=110
Negative-110% or less
Positive-111% or moreI guess I’m negative since my results are 106. Does that mean I’m in remission? I have endo appt. In two weeks so I’ll find out soon. Also what brings the antibodies down? I’m on Methimazole 2.5 and taking alternative medicine from my ND.
I forgot to mention the Natrum Muriaticum my ND gave me helped alot with my anxiety,nervousness just all around my emotional well being. It was a five day supplement I took. That in combination with my Methimazole I felt a difference like I was back to my normal self. : ) I don’t know if it will work for everyone,but one should look it up to see if maybe it might help. It did for me.
Hi Laree, I looked up a couple references, cause I had not heard of it. I include one in this post.
I am very happy that you are feeling better. But consider that the methiamazole was simply doing its’ “work” in your thinking.It is synthesized from salt,then sugar is added.
http://www.livestrong.com/article/226434-what-is-nat-mur-what-are-the-side-effects/Regarding how you feel, you might be feeling good because the MMI is “working.” As Kimberly indicated, remission is possible. But you won’t know if you are in remission until you are not taking any meds at all for a while.
Your labs could be ok cause you are on the MMI.
Just my two cents (:
Good luck to you, do write again.
ShirleyHi everyone, so I recently had my blood work done
Thyroxine, Free 1.06 (0.76-1.46)
TSH 1.59 (.358-3.800)That was two months on 1.25mg of methimazole. Starting on monday i will be taking 1.25 every other day. Next blood work in November. I have a TSI test in two weeks. If everything comes out normal with next blood work then I can come off. After I will get tested every six to eight weeks for the next six months to make sure my thyroid levels are normal w/o methimazole. looks as if remission is possible for me. I hoping so. I have not been feeling any symptoms of graves for about a good three months now. No pain or pressure around or behind the eyes. although yesterday i felt twinging around my left eye,but i think it was because i had salt in a food i ate. It also looks like its returning close to normal. my neuro opth says everything looks good, so instead of seeing him every three months ill see him every six months.
I made an appt. with the dentist since it was that time for cleaning and my ND recommend a holistic dentist. I went and she put me in this cone shape and took pics of my head. She then showed me a pic of my skull and my teeth, zoomed in on my left side and found this black circle turns out to be inflammation sitting on two teeth that is connected to my thyroid as well as sinus. I told her that’s crazy because i have thyroid issues and i’m congested. I know that the inflammation could not have cause my hyperthyroid, but I thought it was a little weird. Has anyone heard this before?Laree, yes, that experience with your dentist sounds super weird, from start to finish. Plus, few dentists use radiation X-rays, cone on head (that is strange) anymore. Most take digital films now, not traditional X-rays, usually once a year. What she said sounds like complete hooey, in my opinion. None of what she said makes any physiological sense to me. I am not a professional, just relying on my common sense, and a relative high index of suspicion that not all providers are good folks out there. Might be interesting to know where she went to school.
Have you considered going to a dentist who has know you for years, and given you care over years, to check this out with?
I could not find out any reliable information about Natrum Muriaticum at all.
I am glad you are seeing a board certified neuro ophthalmologist who is checking your eyes. I have seen one for years, with my TED, but never have been counseled to take herbal supplements of any kind.Sounds like you are doing well, I hope you continue on that path.
Shirley -
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