I got my blood test back and my thyroid levels are in normal range. My Endo had me on Methimazole 5mg to now 2.5mg. I also had appt. with neuro opht. and I have very, very mild Graves disease. I don’t know what “very, very mild” is I just thought you either have it or dont!? My TED is very mild as well and he recommend some Omega 3 vitamin that can only be bought online. He said I can take anything over counter, but prefer I order the one online. He measured my eyes and they’re in normal range. He said it could get worse over time or it may not. The disease runs its on course and I have follow up in May. I was wondering has anyone here had mild TED and eyes went back to normal? how long did it take? Im hoping mines stay mild and lead back to normal..Im hoping! : )
LOTS of people have minimal eye involvement, then it goes away. Many.
I am not one of them, as you see. You will know if they are getting worse. Some people have red and itchy eyes, some are bothered by the light. Then all of it just goes away. i am sure you will hear this from the facilitators as well.
Let’s just assume you have mild TED and it will not get worse. Like most people.
ShirleyDoes TED cause blurry vision also?
Blurry vision should always be checked out by an eye doc to determine the root cause, but yes, I’ve heard of TED causing blurry vision. This can be associated either with tearing or with dryness.
Blurry vision also can come when the eye muscles are ever so slightly out of synch. We need those muscles to work perfectly together to provide single vision. If they do not, blurring can occur, or, the more common doubling.
Laree08 wrote:I got my blood test back and my thyroid levels are in normal range. My Endo had me on Methimazole 5mg to now 2.5mg. I also had appt. with neuro opht. and I have very, very mild Graves disease. I don’t know what “very, very mild” is I just thought you either have it or dont!? My TED is very mild as well and he recommend some Omega 3 vitamin that can only be bought online. He said I can take anything over counter, but prefer I order the one online. He measured my eyes and they’re in normal range. He said it could get worse over time or it may not. The disease runs its on course and I have follow up in May. I was wondering has anyone here had mild TED and eyes went back to normal? how long did it take? Im hoping mines stay mild and lead back to normal..Im hoping! : )Laree08, if your’e still out there,
The reason Doc recomended a particular brand would most likely be because just std Fish Oil Omega 3 suppliment may have a small amount of metal contamination, which is ok for most people, but may aggravate GD, so you were probably directed to buy something like “Ultra Clean” Omega 3 Fish oil because it would have been checked, and if it had any contamination would have been rejected as a lower grade.I’m still here… Yeah my eye doc wanted me to take this specific brand because it’s free of omega 6 which is pro inflammation. Free of mercury,PCBs and Dioxin. I’ve been on it for almost two months now and feel good. Haven’t felt any eye pain a week after I started taking it. Also I haven’t had any headache since taking them and I usually have one sometimes two a week. I started noticing these headache November last year and late December is when I notice puffy eyes a week after that both eyes bulged a little. January is when I was diagnosed with graves. It was terrible two worst things I experienced where palpitations and pain around my eyes. I also had anxiety, nervousness, fine hand tremors, dry hair & skin and weight loss. I was on 5mg Methimazole now 2.5mg. I’m also taking alternative medicine as well as my vitamins. I no longer experience palpitations, hand tremors, eye pain, headaches, anxiety, nervousness, dry hair or skin. My weight is slowly going back up. People say they don’t Notice any bulging with my eyes, but I know it’s there. And I know it takes time for eyes to heal. My co worker experienced this ten years ago and told me his eyes were really bulging he said within a year they went back to somewhat normal. Had he not told me I would have never guessed his eyes were affected because they look normal now. My eye doc also has me wearing these tinted glasses he prescribed to me. I have perfect vision, so it’s not prescription glasses. The tint helps to hide the bulge and helps with computer screen and light. Also the tint is great for people with migrane headaches. I just wear it cause I’m self conscious with my eyes even though my family, friends and co workers know..lol well I have bloodwork coming up soon and appt. With my eye doc and ND. I will be back to post those labs as well as stuff I’m taking. I was wondering if I can post websites on here? I would like to share the omega 3 I’m taking?
Regarding posting the Omega 3 product that you are using, I don’t see as an issue, but one of the facilitators needs to post a comment on that.
Regarding the Mild TED, my partners case was also mild to moderate, hers did improve progressively (say 70%) over the first 2 years, I would say they came to the 95%+ stage between 3-4 years, that was also the time when her sensitivity to light also decreased , was a bit of a shock when I noticed she had no Sunnies on in bright Sun, no squinting etc.
She still feels there may be a slight residual to improve, maybe in her left eye, but from my perspective I don’t see it, her eyes look perfectly normal to me. -
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