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  • Graves16
    Post count: 1

    Hello – I was hoping others out there with Graves who are in remission after taking methimazole might share their experiences. After months of fiddling with dosage, my free T4 and T3 are midrange but still no TSH in sight. I understand that TSH typically lags, but I’m curious to hear from those of you who actually achieved remission with methimazole – how long after your T3 & T4 levels stabilized did it take your TSH to return to normal range? Thanks.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – you might also check out the “sticky” thread at the top of the forum on long-term use of ATDs.

    I went off of ATDs after 7 years, although I hesitate to use the word “remission” – as I still have some eye involvement and I am now hypO (without ever having RAI or surgery) and taking replacement hormone! I don’t have my labs in front of me, but I was probably at least a year or two to get my TSH back in the “normal” range.

    Take care!


    Post count: 108

    I was diagnosed in 2013. My TSH hasn’t made a return yet, but I’m not quite in remission yet, either. I thought maybe I was heading for remission when I was off methimazole for about 9 months, and I was just waiting patiently for my TSH to come up, but sadly, everything but TSH came up. However, we caught it early, added just a little bit of methimazole back, and the hormones were back to mid-range within a few weeks. But TSH is still low. (Not sure if that’s helpful for you, since I obviously haven’t achieved remission yet.)

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