Hello – Methimazole starts working right away to block production of *new* thyroid hormone, but you might feel symptomatic until your body burns off its existing stores of excess thyroid hormone, which can typically take a few weeks.
If the panic attacks start recurring, it would be worth checking in with your GP – and don’t worry about what he/she thinks! You know your body and you *know* when something is off. You deserve to be taken seriously and to have your doc work with you until you can get some relief.
We have one facilitator here (James) who is currently in a 9+ year period of remission after I believe 3 rounds of anti-thyroid drugs. You see varying stats on remission in the published literature. The U.S. figures are generally cited at around 20-30%, while the figure is 50-60% in Europe, and even higher in Japan.
If you have a good experience with the new endo, definitely send me a PM or contact our office at 877-643-3123 or info@gdatf.org. We are always looking for great docs to add to our physician registry!
Take care!