As far as I know, Metformin has nothing to do with Graves’. From the way you tell the story, it sounds like that is aimed at the pre-diabetic state. More importantly, if your doctor has put you on medication and you are unclear as to why you are taking it, time for a frank discussion with either your doctor, your doctor’s nurse, or your pharmacist. Even basic information would help. Make sure to check and see if it may be affected by your thyroid hormone replacement, or vice versa.
If your TSH is too high, your doctor may have talked about changing your thyroid hormone replacement dose, did that happen too? TSH and T3/T4 have kind of a "seesaw" relationship ~ if everything is operating right, the pituitary gland "reads" the levels of T3/T4 and releases TSH in response. High levels of TSH are meant to travel to the thyroid and yell in its face "MAKE MORE!" You may want to get a copy of the blood test levels. It can help you keep it all clear.
Thanks Ski:
No she did not change my Synthroid it is still 150 mgs. I go back in two weeks to recheck my levels.
She stated the Metformin was to bring the levels down (Leptin and TSH) though it is used for diabetes. It will not affect my sugar level and I am using it to bring down the TSH and Leptin to get it under control so I dont become diabetic is how she explained it. But when I got home I googled it and was a little confused. She stated it would help me to drop some of this weight also. I started RAI at 120 and four years later weight 220. I gained 60 pnds the first 6 mths after and even though I eat a good diet and exercise (not always regular with the exercise) I do manage a retail store and I run 9-10 hrs straight every day with a rare day of office work. So I word a physical job and still gain weight. So part of it was to stop the weight gain and get some weight off of me.
Thanks for your reply.
Hi Guys:
If anybody can help me I would so appreciate it.
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I just returned from my endocrinologist and my new TSH leve is 38 which is extremely high. She only told me that my leptin level, T3 and T4 were extremely abnormal. She said I am now boderline diabetic and put me on 1000 mg Metformin TID.
Four years ago I had I131 pill for hyperthyroidism and have been on Synthroid 175 on and off for several years now. I am currently taking 150 for the last month.
Is anybody ever taken Metformin for their Graves Disease? Please help.
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