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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Please do not take any weight control drugs without consulting your doctor.

    Dianne W
    NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Does anyone know if this drug is bad for you if you have GD? My sister-in-law lost tons of weight by using Metabolift or (life) – I’m not sure what it’s called exactly. But it does say in the waring section that you should contact your physician if you have a thyroid disease. Since I had RAI recently and am sure to gain weight because of alowered metabolism, I was thinking of trying these pills for a while. I was just wondering if they would interfer with Synthroid which I am not taking yet.

    Post count: 93172

    Doesn’t Metabolife contain ephedra? This speeds up the system and causes one to lose weight. Dangerous. Probably as dangerous as having an untreated severe hyperthyroid. Concentrate on exercising instead and eating less calories.

    Post count: 93172

    Please DON’T take any drugs for weight loss. Especially those you’ve mentioned. It’s my understanding that most use a chinese herb that’s similar to what’s used to “jump start” the heart. Which I believe would be VERY bad for those of us with GD. I at one time tried Metabolife and even with 1/2 a tablet got the shakes. The bottle suggests taking 1-2 tablets, figure I’d have jumped out of my skin if I’d done that. lol

    I also have to agree to consult your doctor first, but I can’t imagine him saying it’d be ok.

    Remember to watch what you eat and exercise too. This I believe is a much better alternative if it’ll work for you. I wish you luck.

    Lynn “Fancy”

    Post count: 93172

    Just last week I think 20/20 featured a story about this. What really caught my attention was the very clear warning “that persons with thyroid disease should never use any product containing ephredrine” which all the metabolife-like products do. Please don’t take any of these products. I work in public health in Texas, and our agency has been trying for three years now to get these products off the shelves and away from consumers. For many (and most) people, there will be no serious side effects, but for people with underlying health/medical conditions, and particularly those of use with Grave’s Disease, these products can literally be deadly.

    Try Weight Watchers . . . it’s just a healthy eating lifestyle.

    Post count: 93172

    These products are nothing but snake oil. Legitimate studies of them show they actually do nothing to promote weight loss, they are nothing but legalized speed. People who do lose weight on them most likely do so from the fact they are watching what they eat and getting more exercise. People have died or been seriously hurt from taking these products. The claims made by the manufacturors that they have been scientificaly proven are pretty much hogwash. Any studies done were in the 2 week range and one of the universities that did a 2 week study has told one of them to quit using their name in the ads. There have been no long term clinical studies of these products. Not to mention that they combine it with kola nut and other caffeine sources. Big bad!

    As for the claims by these manufacturors that the Chinese have been using Ma Huang for centuries, well yes they have, but ONLY for very specific bronchial conditions (such as bronchitis) and then only for a few days. It is not an herb to be taken for long term. And is definately not a herb we Gravesians should go near (which is a bummer as it was the only thing that shortened my bronchitis spells. But I’d rather suffer bronchitis longer then have a heart attack)

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