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  • Kjkerr
    Post count: 4

    I am scheduled for RAI in two weeks. ATDs just didn’t do it for me so it is my time. I was wondering if the experience is any different for men and if there were some other middle aged guys out there with an experience to share.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Hopefully, you will get some responses here, but in the meantime, you might search posts from Jake_George, a gentleman who was treated with RAI. You can also read his story on the GDATF site.

    (Note on links: if you click directly on the following link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

    Take care!

    Post count: 1

    Hi, Kj, It’s been quite a while since I had my RAI treatment. but 15-plus years later. I’m still here!

    I actually had to go through the RAI therapy 3x within a 18 month period.

    I am no doubt, one of the lucky people who have had no discernable symptoms during the treatment or after.

    I was 47/48 yrs old when I had the therapy to ablate my thyroid. Maybe I’m the wrong person to ask, but I had very few problems even with having swallowed 3 pills.

    I still wish I had had surgery instead of the RAI because of the damage that I may have done to my iodine receptors and such. But, when it comes to side effects immediately after the therapy or long-term I can’t say I was affected.

    My one big bit of Advice: once you are thyroidless start taking a natural thyroid med that gives you all the hormones your thyroid made when it was part of your endochrine system i.e. T3, T4, calcitonin etc.

    If you allow your thyroid to be removed and then start on T4 meds only like Levoxyl, Levoxothyroxine etc. You WILL eventually run into problems, especially with your Adrenal glands.


    Post count: 4294

    terchiron – Thanks for sharing your story!

    Just a quick note on T4-only replacement hormone. Many patients do fine with T4 only. There was an interview that came out last month with Dr. Jeffrey R. Garber, Immediate Past President of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, that touched on combination T3-T4 therapy.

    Dr. Garber discussed a recent discovery that there might be a specific genotype that determines whether patients will do better on combination T3-T4 therapy. He noted that perhaps one day genetic testing will be used to identify these patients. Definitely an interesting research angle!

    Following is a link to the interview.

    (Note on links: if you click directly on the following link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

    Post count: 2

    I’m a male 43 years old, (I guess thats middle aged) I was diagnosed last fall with Hyperthyroidism due to Graves with most the symptoms, shaky hands, high heart rate, high blood pressure, irritated eyes with left eye a little buggy, very intolerant of heat and the list goes on. My blood work confirmed it was Graves and My Doc gave me my choice of treatment. I chose RAI and just 3 weeks have gone by since and have already felt like i have more energy and my heart rate as well has gone down to somewhat normal. I go in this coming week for follow up blood work to see where my levels are. I really havent had any problems with the RAI and would go through it again if need be. So far so good and Im looking forward to my results on next weeks blood work. This disease has been quite a challenge so far, I find myself trying to stay calm and find myself at the end of the day very tired and irritable. But I have an awesome wife and family who have been great support and very understanding which helps. I would suggest to read and educate yourself about everything you can about this and these forums have some good info. Take care and good luck.

    Post count: 4

    Thanks ….our stories are very similar, your words count.

    Post count: 4

    Great advice about the natural hormones…thanks

    Post count: 2

    Well its been almost 4 weeks since my RAI and I may have spoke too soon in my earlier post. I still have my days of feeling exhausted and not feeling too well, lately I’ve been experiencing some chest pains (are these normal?) as well from time to time. All in all though I still feel ok most of the time. My blood test results came back and Im still Hyper with a TSH of pretty much nothing and my free T4 is still higher than it should be. I WILL KICK THIS DISEASES BUTT THOUGH!!!
    Good luck to everyone. Its good to hear I’m not the only Male facing this disease.

    Post count: 4294
    Gravesman wrote:
    I’ve been experiencing some chest pains (are these normal?) as well from time to time.

    Hello – Thanks for the update. I would suggest contacting your doctor’s office about the chest pains…just to err on the side of caution!

    Post count: 1

    Hello to all, I just wanted to say hello. I am scheduled tomorrow, February 22 for RAI. I was diagnosed in December, and it has been a long wait. I hope it all goes well. It has been a bit overwhelming at times, but I am looking forward to recovery. I know my wife is too!!

    Post count: 4

    I’m a 42 year old male who has been diagnosed with graves over a year ago. I guess my biggest thing about radiating or cutting out my thyroid is, what does it fix? what caused my thyroid to flip out?
    I was prescribed the methimazole, and gained 40 pounds in 1 month. so I stopped taking the meds at the doctors prescribed rate. I honestly can say the meds made me more depressed then the graves.
    My biggest change was diet. bread is bad, wheat is bad, most food I like is bad now, I don’t want celiacs (niece has it, seen issues first hand), or crohn’s.
    As I attempt to exhaust all other avenues, I stumbled on a bio-identical hormone doctor. she definitely seems to think she can assist me, so I’m walking down that path now, I’ll update site when I have my appointment.

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