Thanks for the info Nancy. I was just at the 2 week period when I was getting really bothered, perhaps I have to “break the 2 week barrier” with the Paxil. I was just in such a daze with only 10 mg a day dosage that I was just about incapable of doing anything. Even simple things like the dishes were a major problem.
Will see the doc Saturday and see what he says, he has a lot of experience with these drugs.
I just spoke with the representative from Smith-Kline-Beecham regarding possible side effeccts of Paxil. From reading prescribing information regarding SSRI’s (serum serotinin reuptake inhibitors) of which Paxil is one, as well as Prozac and Zoloft, I offer the following information;
TheINDICATIONS for prescribing an SSRI include at least four of the following: change in appetite, change in sleep pattern, “psychomotor” agitation or retardation (either “antsy” or sluggish), los of interst in usualactivitis, decrease in sexual drive, increased fatigue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, slowed thinking or impaired concentration. These are the DSM-IV statistical criteia for defining depression–a prominent and relatively persistent deprssed mood that usually interferes with daily functioning for a period of at least two weeks.
I just got of the phone with the Smith-Kline-Beecham representative
and will be talking to the Product Information people at the company tomorrow. Listed under the indications for using the SSRI’s (serum serotinin reuptake inhibitors), the group of antidepressants to which Paxil, Zoloft and Prozac belong are listed as: 4 of the following symptoms: change in appetite, change in sleep, psychomotor agitation or retadation (feeling “antsey” or extremely sluggish), loss of interst in usual activities, decrease in seual drive, increased fatiggue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, slowed thinking or impaired concentation, and suicide atempt or suicidal ideation. Under the “Adverse” effects (up to 26:100 patients are listed nausea, headache, dry mouth, male sexual dysfunction, insomina, and sleepiness. Those are all the ones that rank from 15 to 26%, and those symptoms generally go away within two weeks. FREQUENT ADVERSE EECTS occur in 1 out of 100 patients, INFREQUENT ADVERSE EFFECTS occur in up to 1 out of 1,000 patients, and RARE EVENTS occur in less than 1 out of 1,000
patients. The half life of the drug is almost 4 and a half days (that is how long it takes to get rid of it…what you took four days ago is still in there. The bigget warning is about mixing it, or any other antidepressant drug with an MAO inhibitor, of which there are some “natural” ones on the market. St. John’s Wort is the only one I can think of, but the combination is FATAL. Nowhere did I find memory loss or decreased conctration listed as an effect of the drug.When I talk to the Product Information department tomorrow, they will have access to the computer, where they carefully monitor all reports of confirmed or suspeccted adverse reactions. They can even tap into the research data of the other drugs. I will continue this search until I find some answers for you. Meanwhile, please don’t let this make you avoid one of the few types of treatment that has been found to give us some of our life back!
Hang in there. I have a LONG reply coming Friday. I have been collecting question topics, making notes, and hope to give you some overall good information. Meanwhile, take are of yourselves.
Nancy Patterson, “substitute on-line facilitator”
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