Actually, my choice try to try 3x/day methimazole dosing was based on the detailed patient information which comes with the pill as others mentioned above. It’s not like I tried it arbitrarily though the idea did not come from my doctor. The idea that one even could do this and it might make a difference is not widely known, but it should be. I make no apologies for sharing it.
Here’s an interesting article from the New England Journal of Medicine about how the latest medical knowledge is slow in making it’s way into our experience in our doctor’s offices link It is because of stuff like this that we need to keep educating ourselves and be proactive. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t great doctors out there somewhere giving great care but patients have to be on the ball.
Harpy – Just curious, do you feel the Paleo diet is helpful with managing GD? My niece is a strict Paleo eater. She tells me it is not a diet it is a lifestyle change and she swears it regulates your entire metabolism, emotions, weight, etc.
I have been thinking about making the lifestyle change and I guess if I knew it helped with GD I would definitely make the change.
DonnaWhen I was on higher doses of Methimazole, I split the dose up into 2 or 3 times per day. Now I just take it in a single dose. Agree that any final dosing decisions should be made in conjunction with a doctor or a pharmacist. The medical guidance from ATA/AACE does note that once per day is acceptable dosing. If compliance is not an issue, splitting up the dose in conjunction with the manufacturer’s guidelines would certainly make sense.
@Donna – I have not seen any research on the paleo diet and Graves’. I’ve heard some anecdotal evidence that this is a good food plan for patients with autoimmune conditions…but on the other hand, I’ve heard others advocate for a raw vegan lifestyle, which is pretty much the *opposite*! I think it’s also important to keep in mind that any type of super restrictive food plan can take a great deal of time and planning — and often, stress. As with any major lifestyle change, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons!donnabgraves wrote:Harpy – Just curious, do you feel the Paleo diet is helpful with managing GD? My niece is a strict Paleo eater. She tells me it is not a diet it is a lifestyle change and she swears it regulates your entire metabolism, emotions, weight, etc.I have been thinking about making the lifestyle change and I guess if I knew it helped with GD I would definitely make the change.
DonnaI agree with your niece.
Diet plays a huge role in our physical and emotional health, for my partner the line that we took was if we could improve her overall health in many little ways, then this would put her in a much stronger position to deal with Graves.It is true there are no diet studies specifically related to GD an that is likely because you can not patent a diet like you can a drug and in addition the medical and scientific community is still locked into a singular cause and effect view of the human body, whereas in reality the body is a complex interconnected community where many different factors interplay to achieve an outcome, be that good or bad health.
I recently posted some studies that used “Antioxidants” to support GD treatment and they clearly showed benefits seperate to thyroid hormone manipulation, antioxidants are just certain vitamins and minerals that are normally present in a healthy diet, so by default these studies do suggest a benefit of improved diet behaviour.As for diets being restrictive, firstly I think everyone would agree that it does not even compare to restrictions caused by chronic disease whether it be Graves, Diabetes, Heart Disease etc., the second point is that although being on a Paleo style diet may be inconvenient at times, it is not the diet that is the issue, but the quality of “Convenience” foods on offer and rarely have any of these convenience foods been healthy in any way.
If you do choose to change your diet, the only caution I put forward is let it be a gradual transition, do your research, talk to your niece, and over time begin to exclude the poor food choices (processed) and introduce healthier whole food alternatives, just let it be a natural transition over time.
Hi all,
Based on my own journey on this Graves’ rollercoaster (that started 5th September, 2011 – but hey whose counting – LOL!), my Endo prescribed my Neo Mercazole (that’s Carbinmazole for all my fellow American Warriors) twice daily – morning and night.
(A.K.A. Robboford)
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