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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have three dosages. .1mg is yellow, .025mg is peachy-pink, and .125 is tan. I did have a little chart I got from the doctor that pictured all the different colors and the dosages.

    Post count: 93172

    Does anyone out there know if the different colors of synthroid medication indicate the strength
    of the dosage. I think 1 mg. is yellow, but what are the other colors and strengths?

    Post count: 93172

    I looked it up in the PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference) and it seems like the colors are common
    but are also specific to brand name. Here’s what I found out:


    light pink (peach) 25 mcg
    white 50 mcg
    purple (dark) 75 mcg
    yellow 100 mcg
    beige 125 mcg
    blue 150 mcg
    pink (dark) 200 mcg
    green 300 mcg


    peach 25 mcg
    white 50 mcg
    purple (dark) 75 mcg
    green (seafoam) 88 mcg
    yellow 100 mcg
    pink (dark) 112 mcg
    beige 125 mcg
    blue 150 mcg
    purple (bright) 175 mcg
    coral 200 mcg
    green 300 mcg

    hope this helps….Carolyn

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