OK here goes. I have severe nerve damage in my hips and right leg, that there is no cure for, just pain control. Been on the fentanyl patch for over a year, 50 mcg. Over the last few months, I’ve noticed that the patch doesn’t seem to work as well, but I have pills I can take when needed. The last 2 weeks, since on the ATD, the patch seems to not be working well at all. I mean, my back/hips haven’t hurt in over a year, only occasional twinges in my leg, but now, they are giving me a fit. I realize that medicine doses usually have to be adjusted, especially for pain, since the body either gets worse and/or you develop a tolerance for them. And I know, that nothing happens fast, it just seems that way, since it has to get to the point that we notice them. This being said, has anyone else noticed a major difference in per-graves issues flaring with graves or ATD? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Being new to Graves, it is so hard to figure out what is related and what isn’t.
Thanks to all you ‘veterans’ out there, us newbies would be in the dark, if not for you! HUGZ!Lack of replies is reply enough, I think its time to have the Dr up my patch dose. Thanks ya’ll, you did help, without realizing it. Apparently, this just happened to come about at the same time as the shoulder injury and the Grave’s. Nothing ever happens to me all by its self, always one thing on top of another and another, I should have known.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day.HUGZ
I hope you get some pain relief soon! You are going through the wringer right now, but you are a strong woman! Is your surgery still on Friday?
Yup, 5:45 am! I am so ready for the whole thing to be over, I can’t even tell you! I just want to be on the ‘healing’ end of this. Up at 4am due to pain, sleep has become almost none and the pain pills all wear off and I’m up. Can’t take them before bed, they keep me awake. I’m looking forward to getting rest at the hospital, maybe can get a few hours. Still don’t know what they’re using, besides the nerve block. Don’t care, just let me get some sleep. 😆 I am concerned about after the surgery, neither my PMP or the Ortho are sure they will be able to control the pain, due to the amount of pain meds I’ve been on for years. If they can’t control it now, how they gonna do it afterwards? Beats me!
Have you got your date for the scan yet?I know you are probably tired of me hijacking your post and then talking about shoulder stuff, but I can just relate to it so much… Re the pain after shoulder surgery, it can be pretty intense. ICE ICE ICE. It is the one thing that will get u through. If you can get the dr to write a script for one of these auto ice machine things (sorry I have no idea what it is called – its like a small cooler that u fill with ice and water and then it is connected to a hose then to a pad that wraps around your shoulder and runs continually – honestly it saved me the first few weeks or so). If you can’t get that, just go get some ice packs before you go in for the surgery, something bendable or even bags of frozen peas or corn works really good. ICE is the key. My first dr for my first 2 surgeries never told me to use and it and with my next 2 it was like a different experience. AND find a place to sleep sitting up for a while – such as a recliner or just a position on the sofa where you can prop yourself up. Keeping that shoulder up with no pressure on it works wonders. Have clothing on hand that buttons up (not slips on over the head) and wear that to the hospital the day of the surgery and have easy food prep stuff on hand that you can open / prepare with one hand.
By the way, there is a remote possibility your other pain is Graves related. The way they found mine is that I was having a lot of muscle pain and weakness and went to a rheumotologist who among other things checked my thyroid. It had just been checked in July and was fine but with this test the following December TSH was virtually undectable. That lead me to an endo and eventually the Graves dx. The only reason I didn’t respond earlier is I think mine my have been related to taking statin med so I dont know which issue it is.
So sorry you are going through so much! I also feel like when it rains it pours! I have been nauseas and dizzy and achey all day and I have no idea if it is the new Synthroid I am taking, hormonal issues, sudden high blood pressure, a drop in blood sugar, passing another kidney stone or just plain stress because I have had a huge (but good) change at work. If I knew which one, I might know what to take or who to call, but mostly I just want to crawl in bed and sleep.
Best of luck on Friday. You’ll pull through great. You sound like a real trooper. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
The name of the cold thing is:
Cryocuff. They are wonderful. I have always given them to every shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle patient. i am guessing that you will get one. When your preop nurse admits, you, ask if it is ordered post op. Tell her to check. If not, request one.
ShirleyCryocuff! That’s it! Thanks Shirley! I have had 4 shoulder surgeries and only got it on my last one and man, I will never have another surgery like that without one – even if I had to buy one on my own. Mine was “rented” to me for a week (paid for by insurance) and then I had to return it and use regular ice packs. I have some very good large ice packs, but I sure missed my cryocuff machine! When my dad had knee replacement, Medicare paid for a Cryocuff for him, but he would never use it. I considered taking it from him and most certainly will borrow it if I ever have to have another joint surgery (which for some reason I feel is highly likely
Yes, I just found out today- my scan is Wednesday. I take the pills in the AM and then get the scan in the afternoon. Thursday I go in to get my thyroid “measured” (?) and then have the consultation and find out about the scan… Here’s to hoping for post partum thyroiditis instead of Graves. But, either way, I will do my best to stay strong and positive. Pray for me and especially my baby who will have to go on a bottle (temporarily- a week I think); he’s never had anything but breastmilk straight from the tap
Hee hee! I hope he’ll be alright with it. I’m nervous, but hopeful.
I understand. Hope baby can eat a little bit early! Best wishes to you.
ShirleySo the nuclear medicine supervisor called. The physicist crunched the numbers and said 5 days weaning. That’s not too bad. I’m getting a hospital grade pump delivered today, so I’m hoping this will all work out well. I’m getting a lower dose of the I-123 too. Hoping for a good news.
Hey, when I went for my pre-op, someone mentioned me getting the ice thing, so I guess I’ll have that, was told to buy ice because the freezer ice maker wouldn’t be able to keep up the demand. I don’t have an ice maker! 😆 I do have room in the freezer though, I rarely cook any more, got plenty of room up there. Will pick up a bag Thurs night and have son get me another bag Saturday evening when he comes to pick up daughter-in-law, who will stay with me from the time I get out Fri until Sat evening, doctors are insisting I have someone here for 24 hrs.
Alexis, glad to hear things are coming together for you! Made my day
The pain thing, well……..guess I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. They (drs) have already said they will probably up my patch dose and my pill dose for a while after the surgery and hopefully that will keep it at least tolerable.
I don’t have a recliner, but have been told by many, that it is the thing you need after the surgery. My son just threw one out! It was his ex-roommates’ and he didn’t know I needed it, I never thought to mention it. But I’ll see if I can pick one up cheap on Craigs list, son can bring it in his truck. Don’t matter what it looks like, I’ll throw it out when I’m better
I have a sectional sofa that I love the looks of, but it is NOT comfortable IMO. I never use it, I’m rarely in the living room, everything I need is in the bedroom.
I think I have enough pillows, I should be able to make it work, propped up in the bed, if I can’t find a cheap recliner.
Thanks to everyone! HUGZ!
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