Have you received an error message that states, “You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts,” – and yet you *know* that you entered your password correctly? The likely cause is that a spammer has attempted to use an automated program to hack your password and gain access to the message boards.
A quick check of our moderator logs shows that 17 out of the last 25 posts submitted for approval were spam! The Foundation has extra security requirements in place to keep these messages *off* the boards.
If you receive this message, you will be asked to re-enter your screen name and password along with what is called a CAPTCHA (“Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart”). This distorted text is a combination of letters and numbers that is readable by humans, but not by computer programs.
Occasionally, not even humans (especially those with Thyroid Eye Disease!) can read a particular CAPTCHA. If that happens, make your best guess – if the response is incorrect, you will receive a new combination to enter. Once the correct combination has been entered, you will be re-directed to the message boards.
Should you have further problems, please contact the Foundation at info@ngdf.org or 877-643-3123.