I tell my doctor that I am experiencing chest pains. I never use to have chest pains. When I was diagnosed with GD, I was prescribed with Propanonol, it’s a beta-blocker to help my heart, pulse rate and all the trembors. It’s during this time, that I started getting chest pains.
Then, when they gave me Tapazole, I still experienced chest pains…but it is slowly going away.
GD made think that I was going crazy b/4. It made me feel that I couldn’t take enclosed areas. Especially taking bart. It was killing me.
I’m just glad that I’m feeling better.Evening Warriors,
Just had to drop a note on this topic. I have been hospitalized three times over the past few years with similar problems. They thought it was a heart attack. They thought it was pluresy, they thought it was acid reflux.
What it ended up being was (forgive my spelling but will try to do better tomorrow) “costocondritus” Which is inflamation of the cartilidge that connects the ribs to the sternum. Mimics a heart attack and pluresy. I was treated with steroids, antiacids, and such.
The hard part is you cannot think it is not something serious like a heart attack. You have to call the doctor. You have to be checked out. I would rather be right that it is not a heart problem than be dead wrong and take the chance.
Now when the pains hit I take an anti-inflamitory to see if it knocks down the pain. If it does not I go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry. But after three visits I know my heart is healthy, my lungs are in good shape and I do not have reflux problems. Just got some antibodies that attack the cartilidge at the sternum. Hurts like mad!!
Do not take chances Warriors. If you have chest pain have it checked out. In my case We know what it is not (I hope) but I still get checked just the same. We are only a click away.
On-Line FacilitatorI just started on Levoxyl about three weeks ago. Every so often I’ll wake up around 2 am with a very uncomfortable deep pain in the middle of my chest; it actually feels as if it starts deep in the back of my throat and moves down to the middle of my chest. It goes away if I sit up for a while. This is not indigestion or heartburn; this is a pain that feels as if it’s in my breastbone . . . I hadn’t really thought much about it, although in the middle of the night it really freaks me out. By the time daylight rolls around, I’ve forgotten about it. Something made me think about it the other day, and I mentioned it to my husband. He was more worried about it that I was, but I tend to never worry about anything. Maybe I should mention it to my doctor.
Could be acid reflux, that is very painful. I was diagnosed with that at the beginning of all my problems. I take prilosec and it has really helped.
Take care
I agree with Sunshine that it could be acid reflux, but suggest you get in touch with your endo and let them know about. I’ve had that before and know it’s a scary thing. But like you when I sit up the pain was easied a bit. Good luck!
I had a similar problem but it was diagnosed as esopheageal spasms. I thought it was heartburn! However, this problem resolved itself when I changed to PTU (had allergic reaction to TAP). My cousin also has Graves and she developed the reflux before she was stablized.
I went to emergency room with chest pains and they took me in immediately!! Call your doc or any other doc that will listen, even if it isn’t serious you’ll have peace of mind. Good luck, MOna
My fiance has been getting strong chest pains and tingling in his left arm lately, he hasn’t been to his endo in over 4 months. I can’t convince him to go. Has anybody read that this is related to GD or does he have a whole new set of problem? Or maybe has anybody let their Graves go for soo long, I am curious about the long term effects.
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