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  • snelsen
    Post count: 1909

    Has anyone had this surgery for retracted lower eyelids? From what I read, the artificial graft may not have as good as a result as the graft from the hard palate. On the other hand, there is not the post op pain. difficulty eating, that happens with a graft from the hard palate. Thanks

    Post count: 35

    For lower lid retraction, they first tried cadaver pericardium on me (2 times on the right eyelid and 1 time on the left) but within 9 months the lower lids fell back down to my cheek bones. I was then told that for as severe a case of TED that I had, it was just not strong enough. The next surgeon I saw, then used my ear catiliage. This has served well. There was more pain with the ears healing than the eyes but they finally healed.
    I would think if this is an option for you that it would be more palatable than a palatal graft. You might want to ask if it would work for you.

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