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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Greetings all,

    I will start off by saying this must be have a bad day week. I spent about an hour
    yesterday trying to answer questions and provide information (while I was lucid) and
    the net went down and my post wouldn’t take at the message board. While I was trying
    to figure out how to save it we lost power to the building so all the computers went
    down. So I will try and answer questions today!

    1. Yes I am the facilitator for this on-line BB. But I am not the only one who answers
    questions or provides support. People like Bruce, Dainne, Joan, Sue, Ann, Rachel, Nancy,
    and others all help out too. Nancy is our national director and a wealth of knowledge.
    I guess you could say I am the traffic cop who tries to make sure the system is running
    (with Archie and Annette’s help) and that we have people to answer your questions and to
    make sure we don’t spread false information or doctor bash which as Nancy said could get
    us into HEAPS and GOBS of trouble. I also facilitate the once a month on-line CHAT session.

    2. Types of eye surgeries: There is a ton of information on this BB about eye surgeries
    from strabismus to orbital decompression. Go to the top of the BB and click on the last
    30 days of messages. Somewhere back there I wrote a post on the types of eye surgeries we
    could go through and the recovery periods. I went through all of them and they are a first
    person account so I must warn you your recovery may be different from mine but I tried to
    put them in plain language for all to read. If you have any questions please feel free to
    e-mail me. Nancy Patterson and Debbie Jass have also had the decompressions so you could
    e-mail them to.

    3. New folks welcome to the wonderful world of Graves disease. From this day forward
    consider yourself a person with GD not a GD sufferer. A positive attitude is a must with
    this GD disease (pun intended). Read all the posts, sort them by subject and look at the
    ones that may pertain to you. Go to te top of the BB and go to the National Graves Disease
    Foundation home page and read what we are about. There is a membership application on line
    now and the bulletin list is also there. We have listing of support groups by state so look
    for your state and we if we have a group there.

    4. You will find out that many folks have gone through what you have and you are not alone.
    As Nancy said in her earlier post PLEASE put your e-mail address on your post. We try to
    answer most posts on the board but sometimes a private message from one of us it better. By
    the same token if someone posts an answer you find helpful you could send e-mials to that
    person directly and do some one on one support.

    5. As you can tell this BB and home page is growing and changeing so please bear with us. We
    are striving to provide the latest information to you so we will will be tweaking the system
    for awhile. If you have found helpful links that you think we should have send me an e-mial
    and we will check into them. Knowledge is the key to this disease. If you know what can
    happen or how to deal with what has happend to you then we have done our job. I have started
    to send out my monthly newsletters that I send out to my local support group to all the
    endocrinologists in town to help raise their awareness of GD and what we are going through.
    I use many postings off of this board for the topics of my monthly meetings. So some of you
    are famous!!! It has also been helpful when a local endo said they did not think something
    was related to GD and they get my newletter with some of the posts and find that it is more
    common than they thought. Nancy said in her last post that 10% of us have problems after
    diagnosis. It has been estimated that 7 million people have a thyroid disease and 3 million
    don’t know it. (we think the number is estimated kind of high by the way) But wi we use that
    number that means 700,000 of us have problems after diagnosis and treatment. We are here to
    provide information, education and support for the 700,000. We are also trying to educate
    the medical community as to our problems and needs.

    6. Taping the eyes and using lubricants will greatly influence how your eyes feel and how
    you feel. My eye doctor in Miami told me what you do today determines how your eyes will feel
    tomorrow. I have found this to be true. Use the eye drops and lube at night. And yes a silk
    scarf around the eyes at night will work. Some folks even use plastic wrap around their eyes
    at night. I taped my eyes for years and it did help. Now thanks to my decompressions I don’t
    have to tape them any more.

    7. GD in youth, Check with your doctor for a childrens hospital in your area. It is very
    important that they get checked out by a pediatric endocrinologist. If it meens taking a trip
    to see one it may be worth it.

    8. If you are newly diagnosed with GD or have had it for awhile and have not seen an eye doctor
    GET TO ONE!!! If for nothing else than a good baseline examination so they can see if your eyes
    are changing over the years. It is better to catch problem early than one day wake up and notice
    that you are seeing double or colors look different to you. Get it done!!

    9. Find a good counsler to talk to about stress reduction. It is very important that you take
    time every day for yourself. It is aslo very important to make time for you family and loved ones.
    Look at your lifestyle to see if it can be modified to make your life less hectic. You and your
    family are the most important things in the world.

    Well got to go but I hope this was helpful. I tried to remember everything I put in yesterday but
    I forget (go figure)

    JAke George

    Post count: 93172

    I sorted by topic and didn’t find glasses/prisms/strabismus topics.
    Any suggestions?

    Post count: 93172

    Try looking under double vision and surgeries. I went back myself to look and
    the list only goes back 30 days. Your other option is to go to the end of the
    posts and click on first message. It will take you back to the first one I
    in June and go to next message. It will take a few hours to go through them all
    but I know you will find what you are looking for.


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