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  • mwhitney
    Post count: 34

    I don’t know if this has to do with treating Graves in general, or happens after RAI, but I did RAI slightly over a year ago and have been doing pretty well, I lost the weight I gained after the small span of finding out I had graves, (2 weeks of anti thyroid meds and finding out I couldn’t handle them to doing RAI a week or two later)

    The weight finally mellowed out and I’m back to my regular weight, I haven’t had and hyper symptoms since the RAI, the Synthroid seems to be going fine.
    I just notice I have no appetite.
    I don’t get hungry (barely once in a while), but I don’t enjoy eating hardly anything anymore. And it really sucks.

    Is this common? Its is what happens when you go Euthyroid after surgery or RAI? Or just common after treatment with RAI?

    I see my doctor next week, and I’m going to talk to her about it, but I was curious if this was a common theme with anyone else.


    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Hopefully, others who have had RAI will chime in here, but I do not recall hearing this as a common complaint.

    That’s good that you have a doctor’s appointment coming up – I would definitely mention this to see if she can help you find the cause.

    Take care!

    Post count: 160

    Hi Michaela,

    With me it’s just the other way around. I had RAI in July 2013, and ever since I haven’t seen a morsel of food that I do not like. Therefore I have gained almost 40 pounds, which I am trying very hard to lose.
    I don’t know if it has anything to do with the Graves, but I had never been more than just 2 or 3 pounds beyond my usual weight, until now.
    Last time I had labs done everything was in the normal range and I feel pretty good, except that my mind is totally preoccupied with food.

    I hope that you and your doctor can figure out how come you have no appetite.


    Post count: 7

    I just had RAI on Friday and I have NO appetite. I am staying with my grandma so of course I am eating, but nothing sounds good. I am going for my first check up next week.

    Has it changed now that you are farther out? Did you gain any weight? I am worried about gaining weight so this might help me out in the long run!

    Post count: 14

    I thought I was the only one! This is happening to me, too. I recently had RAI after a long bout with Graves’ for a decade. I was on Methimazole all those years. I just had RAI on 6/19 and I am never hungry. During the two weeks surrounding RAI I was off my Methimazole and I was hungry all the time. So I think it has to do with being or in my case becoming Hypothyroid– at least in my experience it has. I haven’t gotten my second set of labs done yet. I will at the 2 month mark in about a week, but I’m sure from the loss of appetite I’m beginning to swing Hypo. My last labs I was still Euthyroid or more specifically subclinical hyperthyroid. Meaning my TSH was 0.04 but my Free T4 was 1.4. However, I’m still on a daily dose of 30mgs of Methimazole as well which I resumed 2 days after RAI.

    Post count: 14

    JMKarlen, although I’m only two month in from RAI myself, I’ve been hypothyroid from anti-thyroid drugs many times over the past decade for extended periods and I can tell you from experience I never gained weight. I’m 6’2″ and currently I weigh 178lbs. You just have to watch what you eat. It’s really that simple.

    Post count: 108

    Not to be contrary, but I’m not sure it’s quite that simple for everyone. I’ve been hypothyroid a few times from ATDs, and it’s harder for me to make good food choices, and maintain my usual activity level, when I feel that lousy. Or maybe it’s just harder for some of us. Gaining weight is one of my “signs” that I’m heading hypo and am most likely overmedicated with methimazole, since I already eat pretty well and am active…when I’m feeling well. I guess we’re all just different. :)

    Post count: 14

    You’re not being contrarian at all! When I am hyper I have a weird combo of a decreased appetite, particularly in comparison to when I’m hyper, but also not losing weight even though I’m not eating. Therefore, I can tell that if I were to eat the same way I eat when I’m hyper I would gain a proper amount of weight.

    Typically hallmark symptoms of hyperthyroidism is large appetite yet minimal weight gain and hypothyroidism is decreased appetite. However, in cases like yours where you retain the healthy appetite but gain the troublesome weight losing issues of hypothyroidism you are in for a weight battle. Everybody is different always and I’m sorry for simplifying it like I did. I’ve always been able to suppress my appetite easier than friends and family so I guess that’s why it is so easy for me to maintain my weight. Considering how little I eat when I’m hypo but how I still don’t shed weight shows me that your experiences are very real.

    Side note, it’s 12am in the northeast and I have yet to have anything to eat all day. I’m going to eat the dinner that has been left out for me and go to bed. Hey, I’m not saying I have the healthiest habits either :)

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