I am looking for information on causation of Graves. I have read some articles taht address "stress" as a triggering factor. Does anyone know of any articles, research papers, books, etc. that I could read, that could help me with this information.
I would suggest looking into our NGDF archives. That topic has been discussed a ton over the years and it has been talked about at our patient conferences by many doctors over the years as well.
Also check out the Thyroid links in our links section. The Endocrine Society as well at the American Thyroid Association both have studies that can be found by using their search buttons.
Let us know if you need further help.
Thank you Jake, appreciate the direction.
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Brenda – Hopefully, you will be able to find some good information. My understanding is that those of us with Graves have a genetic predisposition to getting an autoimmune disease — and them some "trigger" sets the disease off. The trigger can be an illness, a physical injury, something in the environment, or stress.
I can definitely tell there is a connection between my stress level and my thyroid levels! After diagnosis, I responded quickly to ATDs and remained euthyroid for several months…until I went through a hugely stressful issue at work and I started creeping hyper again. My dose was bumped up a bit, and I also started doing weekly Reiki sessions for stress relief — plus I really worked on not getting so agitated with work issues.
I got my levels back under control, then went on a 3 week trip to Europe recently. This was the trip I’ve wanted to take my whole life…but I got pretty stressed out trying to wrap things up at work and doing all the normal "going out of town" stuff. The trip was fabulous, but I’m actually feeling some hyper symptoms now. I’m due for labs this month, so it will be interesting to see what the results are.
Good luck with your research!
Brenda – Another thought would be to look at autoimmune disease and its relation to stress. You might want to do a web search on type 5 hypersensitivity (previously considered type 2 hypersensitivity) reactions and stress. There are many illnesses that come from the body’s over-response to a foreign material (hypersensitivity). I think you will find that autoimmune illness is more common in women because we (as a gender) have a stronger antibody system – whereas men tend to have a stronger system of cells that directly kill invaders. Autoimmune disease is more common in women for that reason (our bodies doing too much of what they are good at). So, the link between hypersensitivity reactions and stress may be helpful. Hope you will post your results!
Brenda my trigger was the flu back in 2000. I have to watch out for all virus’/bacterial infections but Im’ doing well. Stress is a huge factor for me as well. Not sure I would read a book about it, I tend to listen to a person who went through it. Unless a dr. actually had the disease in my eyes they will never know fully what it is like or understand truly that it effects everyone so differently even though there are some of the same things involved.
Is this for research or do you have Graves’? Are you going through stress and wondering if that is why you have this disease? You can’t "get" Graves’ from stress, Graves is already in you but stress/illness and other factors can cause Graves’ to show it’s ugly head and say hello. It’s up to us and dr’s to kick it’s butt and tell it to bugger off! LOL
Hope you are feeling ok and getting answers that you need.
My Grandma has Graves’ and RA, and several first cousins have Hashi’s, so I’m sure that genetics played a part in my disease. I was training for a marathon when symptoms first became noticeable and I often wonder if the hard physical stress of running 60-70 miles a week could have played some part in this disease becoming active. I didn’t figure out that it was Graves’ until after I ran the marathon. Symptoms soon became worse and I went to the doctor a month later and found out I have this.
Runlacie – Reading your story, I wonder about an estrogen connection. Runners often have a change in estrogen levels – and menopause can be another precursor to Graves.
I am a believer in the web or causation theory – not one thing but several that interact with each other. Like something a spider would spin.
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