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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Dear steve,

    At the top of this page you will see a choice of FAQ’s. Those are Frequently Asked Questions, and you can get a lot of info there. Also go to the Graves Disease page,
    You could join the National Graves Disease Foundation, the sponsor of this page, buy a paperback for $6.00 called Your Thyroid
    You? Sorry if this message is disjointed, the message screen runs off at the right, you can’t back up to review what you wrote, very frustrating. Also there is the Thyroid foundation. Read the old posts, many people have dealt with the dry puffy eyes. Eye drops without preservatives in them. Opthamologists, taping eyes at night, Saran wrap over your eyes while you sleep, elevating your head, moisture in your house. Lots to do and learn. Oh, and check out if there is a support group near you, and go. Karen

    Post count: 93172

    Dear Steve. The irritable eyes is one of my symptoms , too. First of course, is i hope your mother is going to a doctor knowledgeable about graves. An endocrinologists is a good idea if possible in your area , in your budget, ins. etc. The doc can rec. whetther it is nec. and time for an opthalmologists. But the small relief practical things to do are…. Hot and cold packs and flushes with hot and cold water. End with cold to reduce swelling. Replacement tears with NO preservatives and not those get the red out things, just as natural as possible. I think Bruce reccommends cold slices of TOFU, and others suggest cucumbers. Stay out of fans and blowing heaters. Elevate bed with a big book under the mattress to have the help of gravity to resist further swelling. How much one’s eyes are involved is an individual variable. It may encourage her to know that she may never get worse. I hope she researches treatment and has
    confidence in her doctors so she feels she can make the best choice.
    It is good to get her the info from Nat’l Graves Foundation and the Thyroid Society Etc. because they will discuss the unpredictable aspects of this condition. How neat to have a helpful son. Hope this gets you started on the road to releif and recovery soon. Jeannette

    Post count: 93172

    My mother was recently diagnosed with Graves. So far the worst for her is her eyes(puffy and dry). Any suggestions/ideas or treatments would be greatly appreciated.

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