Hello all,
My boyfriend is debating having orbital decompression surgery, and is not sure whether he should go with a local specialist, or go to the Mayo Clinic. With insurance, the cost is about equal, he says – except with the added hassle of having to stay in Minnesota or fly back multiple times for the different surgeries! His opthmamologist (ack, such a hard word to spell) recommended him to the local specialist, but he’s on the fence about that because he’s not sure whether he should try and for the Mayo Clinic if it’s the best care possible, since this procedure is so bewildering.
The local clinic is called Khan Eyelid and Facial Plastic surgery. Has anyone on this forum had any experience with this clinic or its’ doctors?
edit: the doctor he is considering at the Mayo Clinic is the head of Ophthalmology. if anyone has input regarding either of these clinics, it would be much appreciated.