I am getting concerned about my liver function. It has never been tested after 3 times with Graves’ taking Tapazole. Now I am on 40mg and have been for 6 weeks. I think I will go to a walk in clinic tomorrow and ask for the test. I am starting to wonder if my endocrinologist is doing his job 100%? Thoughts?
Thanks for the support. This is one great forum!
40 mg. is quite a lot, but from what I’ve read, a lot of doctors tend to wait to see if a patient develops symptoms of liver problems instead of ordering tests. Dark urine, yellowing skin/ eyes, fever, sore throat are symptoms. Knowing my tendency to be sensitive to medication, I asked my endo. to order the liver panel when I was on methimazole (only 5 mg.). I had no symptoms and had only been on it for 7 weeks. He said he had only seen liver issues once or twice in his 12 years of practice. Yet, there I was with liver enzymes 8 times the normal range 7 weeks later! I stopped the meds. that night obviously. 3 days later my enzymes were retested and they were coming down & eventually, they were totally normal once again. My baseline was normal before methimazole, so it wasn’t from being hyper at all. I would get the lab done if you can- just for your peace of mind anyway. You’re probably fine as liver issues are not common, but why wonder about it when you can know with a blood test? Especially at a high dose, I would do it.
Thanks Alexis! I am going to the doctor today. I will be far from home soon and don’t want to have concerns while away! I am on my 3rd endocrinologist and haven’t been happy with any of them. I am starting to wonder about specialists! I have kidney problems so I have dark urine regularly. I don’t have the other symptoms. I got hepatitis when my pancreas was blocked by a gall stone. I don’t have yellow eyes now though.
VanIsle Gal – As Alexis said, there is actually some controversy over this. The latest guidance from the American Thyroid Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists actually recommends testing only when patients are symptomatic, rather than as a routine measure.
However, my own doc does order liver function tests every time I have a blood draw done…I guess she figures it’s better to err on the side of caution!
Thanks Kimberly!
My liver function results are all normal!
So happy! I always get my blood results online in about 3 hours!
Nice that I never have to wait or have to call my doctor every month.
YAY! Lucky girl
It’s always good to have one’s mind put at ease!
Hi VanIsleGal, I have been on PTU for just over 2 years. Presently I am taking 150mg a day. I got headaches from Tapazole, for some reason, but I tolerate the PTU well and my thyroid levels are all within normal range except for thyroid immune globulin, which is being addressed. I see my endo every 2 months and he does a panoply of blood tests including liver function. However, I have to remind him about a number of things like testing the immune globulin 4 times a year, updates on ultrasound to see if the size of the nodules is increasing or decreasing or staying the same etc.
I request a copy of my blood work before I go into the treatment room so I can follow along with him as he reviews it with me. Then I copy it and send it to my primary care doc. She is very on the ball and will tell me if there is something else that needs to be done and she would order it for me if need be. You might try that route.
At Kaiser, everything is digital so your primary care doc can easily access the labs and you can discuss your interest in the liver function test and probably get it thru your PCP and not have to pay for it yourself. My housemate works for Kaiser and assures me this is true.
It is also possible that 7 weeks is way too soon for any problem to show up and maybe that is why the doc is waiting. You might ask that the next time you get labs. I hope this is helpful.
I have had liver labs done several times since I started taking the Methimazole 30mg/day 6 weeks ago. I get it tested again in 2 weeks. I guess my Dr. too rather err on the side of caution. He is also asking for a WBC. My liver #s were high before starting the Rx b/c of being hyper. They went down on their own only on a beta blocker. Last time they were checked they were still a little bit elevated but my Dr. was not concerned.
Just as an FYI – Another sign of liver problem is acholic stools (light color stool).
I’m glad your liver panel was normal.
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