I personally do not have the light sensitivity that you have. I do have what I think is mild TED and have an appt set up to get it checked out next month (dry eyes, red on some days, mostly pressure and unfortunately I have 1 eye that is slightly further out than the other. Luckily I’m able to "fool" people with my makeup still but who knows how long that will last. I hope and pray it doesn’t get worse but one never knows……..
Like I said I have an appt next month with an opthamologist. I looked around in TAMPA for one that specialized TED but no luck so in the meantime I’ll see this opthamologist and I like you am using the lubricants, eye drops etc. I have started wearing my glasses alot more than I used to in attempts to take it easy on my eyes. I wish I had some advice for you but unfortunately it seems like everyone’s response to ALL of this is completely different. I’m still hoping someone will hop on and give advice because you never know … with allll the people out there that have Graves. Someone on here is bound to have at least had a somewhat similar experience! GL!
I have horrible light sensitivity in doors and out doors… is this normal?? I also always feel like I have so much pressure in my eyes. The Dr’s always say my eyes are fine and I have even been to a graves eye specialist. I only have very mild TED. What is causing the symptoms? Could it be the high antibodies??? I don’t even get the tearing, I just have very dry eyes… The artificial tears do not work at all for me. I even do a Gel lubricant at night. I just went down to 3 days of work from working full time and having a successful job…. this stuff has taken so much of my life away. I can no longer drive at night due to glare and halos. My vision is fine per the Dr’s, but I know it isn’t. Why is this disorder so much inside of us and not external? Has anyone EVER had any success with getting there light sensitivity to go away after surgery?
I had extreme sensitivity to light. Normally, I am an open the curtains and raise the shades kind of girl! Instead, I became a turn out the lights and don’t sit by the window kind of grump. One doctor told me my eyes were fine, and my problems were due to my increasing age — 55 years at the time.
My eyes never displayed any bulging or protruding, and I believe that is what misled some evaluations.
Following OD surgery last summer, the light sensitivity improved dramatically — at least for me. It evidently is not always the case for others. I can no longer wear my contacts, and changing from my glasses to my prescription sunglasses is sometimes a pain. I find that I can function outdoors, even now in bright summer sun, without much discomfort.. I still do try to wear my sunglasses as much as possible, though, simply to better protect my vision.I tried the gel lubricant at night, and did not find it much more helpful than some of the stronger artificial tears. My strabismus surgeon inserted plugs in my tear ducts a few months ago, and that has helped. My eyes are still very dry, and artificial tears have simply become a way of life for me.
Hi Candi, I can at least commiserate with you, but have no answers.
I have EXTREME LIGHT SENSITIVITY! I live in Seattle, and even on overcast days, and we have many
” title=”Smile” /> I have to wear sun glasses. I feel like a freak. Love sun, but keep blinds closed. My eyes tear and stream a lot, most of the day, a little less toward evening. I tried REstasis thinking it might help me with tearing, but don’t really notice much difference. I have one slightly bulging eye, but no way will I have an elective surgery for it. Had one OD cause I had to have it. Had the plugs, made no difference at all. Also have glare from sides and up. Got a visor with the widest brim that exists, but does not take care of the sides. I use gel and lubricants at night.
I don’t have halos. Not sure of your age, but have your or your eye doc considered cataracts?
My lower lids are very retracted,a nd a palatal graft to both lower lids has been suggested. I ask over and over and over again of the oculofacial surgeons, if it will help light sensitivity and tearing. They evade the question.
Some people say that does help…..?ShirleyHi Krisann, I am in Bradenton, so I go down to Sarasota to the Sarasota Retina Research center. They did a very close exam, you might want to try there.
For the others, Yup, looked for cataracts, my eyes are healthy as ever, no reason on paper why I should have the light sensitivity, but I have it. The glare too!!! Halo’s are too bad, but horrible glare and I get a rare phenomenon where if I look at an object that is bright or just dark on a bright background and I look away (like the tv set) I can see a slight after image. woohoo, it’s tons of fun, NOT!
Thank you all for all your help. I am thinking about getting Blu Blockers, has anyone heard of these?
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