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  • Robboford
      Post count: 102

      Hi all,
      Saw my Endo last week and not much has changed. My T4 is still dangerously low so thyroxine has been upped to 100mcg daily. T3 is still high so still continuing with same dosage of Neo-Mercazole and wait for it …………… finally TSH detected – Woo Hoo 0.0014 (minute I know, but after 11 months of being undetectable any trace is a win). I am now allowed to slowly withdraw the beta-blockers over the next four weeks so I will be down to 19 pills a day in the next month. My eyes have been giving me a lot of grief lately and as suggested by Kimberley (thank-you Kimberley), I am booked in to see an Opthalmologist on the 10th September and don’t see my endo again till end of October. Stay strong and well and keep fighting the good fight fellow Graves Warriors.
      Cheers, hugs and kisses

        Post count: 333

        Hello … its me again :)

        CONGRATULATIONS on that TSH coming back. Baby steps, baby steps.

        Debbie, are you on a “block and replace” kind of thing? With your T4 being low and your T3 being up? You mentioned thyroxine and Neo-Mercazole.

        I’m so glad your making good progress with the beta blockers. One less pill to worry about.

        I’m still taking the Methimazole 30mg/day and Metoprolol 50mg/day. I had labs today and hopefully I get my results tomorrow. I see my Endo next week. I’m so looking forward to seeing where I Am.

        How long ago where you diagnosed? How long ago did you start treatment for the thyroid?

        I’m sorry to hear about your eyes. I’m so glad you got your appointment with the Opthalmologist. That is one thing I need to do. My eyes are fine but at times I think they look swollen. Specially in the AM. I’ve always had allergies and the allergies affect my eyes … or so I have always thought … it could be the GD. I wish you the very best with your appointment. Please keep us posted.

        You too stay strong and well … ;)

        Caro :)

          Post count: 102

          Hi Caro,
          Yes, you are correct in me being on a “Block and Replace” regime. I have only been taking the thyroxine for the last 6 weeks due to the dangerously low T4. I was diagnosed (and hospitalised in ICU) back in September last year, so 11 months so far. It is only now though that my eyes are giving me more trouble, Just another “Pit Stop” along my Graves journey.
          (AKA Robboford)
          PS I replied to one of your posts about the cold intolerance and once again, I would rather the heat intolerance than the cold.

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