There’s no need to fret about goitrogenic foods. This is an idea you’ll find occasionally, in various places out in the internet, but research will show that in order for a specific goitrogenic food to impact in any significant way , you would have to eat truck loads of it. The foods that are on the goitrogenic list are healthy foods full of nutrition. They can be eaten in normal amounts in a balanced diet without a problem. Avoiding them is not necessary.
Hi and welcome here! I have been away for a while, I have been ill yet again so I don’t have much time to catch up on all of the posts typed here so forgive me if I repeat something.
I too have cold intolerance, it is not that uncommon. at your age my mother thought i too was hyperT even though my TSH was normal. I didn’t loose my hair or anything, basically same symptoms you said.
it wasn’t until I was 26 that I was finally diagnosed with graves.
Just because someone in your family doesn’t have Graves doesn’t mean you can’t get it. Somewhere down the line someone in the family might have an autoimmune disease. It doesn’t have to be graves disease. AND way way way back in the day families did not discuss with the others what was going on in their lives and they might not have known they had an "autoimmune" disease. I traced mine back but it is hard and my grandmother swore that there was nothing. Not her fault, she just didn’t know and back in the day they didn’t discuss it even if they did know. it is times like now that society NEEDS us to speak up because there are so many things out there that can help now a days.
You should make sure your dr’s know that you are taking suppliments along with your mehtimazole.
Also you are eating a lot of dark green foods, those contain amounts of iodine in them. at the time I knew about my graves I tried to stay away from iodine. not sure what the studies are now but I did stop eating iodized salt and kept away from the dark green stuff for a while.You should keep an open mind about meds/surgery/RAI…. There was a time where I said there was no way I would have RAI done, what God gave me is what He gave me and that was that! BUT as I get older, I am wiser and have learned that just because He gave it to me doesn’t mean if its broken I have to keep it if it makes me sick. So just keep that in mind.
I still have my thyroid and no I didn’t have RAI/surgery. BUT I also took my meds and didn’t think I could do it with just diet change. You are only looking for trouble if you choose not to take the medicines, Graves doesn’t care how you feel about natural stuff or western medicine…it has no friend!
The fact that your friend gave you the 5HTP, I hope you looked it up before you took. Unless your friend has an M.D. behind her name or a certificate in nutrition dealing with Graves patients she shouldn’t be giving you anything unless you yourself research it. Your body is still very new and you can harm your body with things that go in it that aren’t approved. Suppliments are good but the dr. should know about them before you use them. Just like taking any other medicines or over the counter stuff you should check with your dr. about before taking them.
Your life isn’t over! This is only a bump in the road on your journey to greatness! Fight for what you want! It is ok to be upset about everything, its a stage you go through. Feeling sorry about the things you can’t do is also ok, but know that it wont always be that way and take your meds and you will heal. Healing takes time, so take baby steps, don’t over do things.
Be honest with your friends, don’t stress over the little things it isnt worth it. Talk to your family about how you feel and what is going on. The stronger support system you have the stronger you will get!
You’re not alone. I got diagnosed with graves’ when I was 16. I’m 17 now and taking 10 mg methimazole. Eyes are big, dry, annoying with glasses.
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