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  • spenanelson
      Post count: 33

      I did get the news that I was looking for. Yes T4 can be high on BCP due to the increase in estrogen. And my RE looked at my labs and said that I was cleared for IVF! So I go in on Thursday for sonogram and Estradol test and then I should start my shots on Friday.

      I can not believe this day is finally here. I know that it is going to be along journey and I have to hope that my thyroid levels play fair. 10 years of infertility probably due to Graves and its related issues. Even if we are not successful I can at least say that we tried.

      Thanks for all the help and support. I do not know what I would do with your the support of this board.


        Post count: 102

        Hi Stephanie,
        Wishing you every success on your next “journey”. Sending kind thoughts and a special mention in my prayers for you from Down Under. Stay well and please keep us updated. We will all be cheering you on:D:D
        Cheers, hugs and kisses

          Post count: 33


          Thank you so very much! I will take all the prayers and good wishes I can get. I know that my journey is not unique – especially in this community – but it does not make any less difficult to live.

          I am looking forward to sharing all my success here sometime really soon.

          I am just happy to be a part of a select groups of very strong people!

          Thanks again.

          ps: I am officially on the “high” of my journey. I love everyone and every thing. lol!

            Post count: 333
            spenanelson wrote:
            And my RE looked at my labs and said that I was cleared for IVF! So I go in on Thursday for sonogram and Estradol test and then I should start my shots on Friday.

            I can not believe this day is finally here.

            Congratulations!!!!!!! I’m super exited for you. I wish you all the very best with your shots so that pretty soon you can have good news. Please do keep us posted.

            Caro :)

              Post count: 33

              Have to share… Got a call from my endo’s nurse that said ” dr. Xyz reviewed your labs and they are normal so no change.”. He reviewed my original numbers and ignored or simply was not given all the other information about the ivf. He is reportedly the best endo in town. The doctors doctor. If miney were no objcet and had no insurance doctor. Went to Yale , interned at the best of the best hospitals. But can’t seem to understand that my numbers were not okay for the all my other doctors. The original numbers were not okay for ivf.

              It may be time for me to find the second or even third best endo in town.

              Well that is all behind me now.

                Post count: 1909

                Best wishes with IVF. My son and his wife did it several times, the result (s)
                are two boys, almost 12! You’ve been through Graves’, and IVF is a bit tedious and frustrating at times, but it is just another blip on the screen of life.
                I wish you well!!!

                  Post count: 33

                  Thank you for the well wishes. I am sure it’s just the beginning of this journey.

                Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
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