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  • Nick
    Post count: 19

    Meredith hi,

    Did they perform any additional tests (FT3/FT4/antibodies) or just the TSH?
    Some people believe It is important if possible to test at the same time every time you get tested.

    Good luck

    Post count: 115
    enough3 wrote: Do you think that it is just a matter of time before I get hyper again? Does it take longer than 2 weeks to get hyper?? Has this ever happened to anyone here?


    As to your question, “Will I get hyper again”? I don’t think anyone could answer your question. I have heard statistics stating that remission rates go down significantly if you go into remission and then relapse. I’m curious though if there have been studies that go beyond 18 to 24 months on patients who are kept on ATD’s long term, like 5 to 10 years out. My experience was that it did take much longer than two years to remain solidly in remission, of course this can vary from person to person. One of the common themes I heard from talking to Graves’ patients at the Fall conference opting for ATD therapy was their hurry to achieve remission and stay there permanently. Those that choose that option with their Doctors support, I feel need to have a different mindset if they choose to take that course of action. It’s a, one day at a time approach and not rushing to come off of meds prematurely when their TSI may still be elevated (unless of course they experience negative side effects). A better approach with those folks is to talk to their Dr. about remaining on maintenance doses of ATD for a longer period of time (if they so choose). One of the Conference physicians clearly stated that he would support a patient who has responded well to ATD’s long term.

    The reason I go into this detail is that you still seem to be on the fence somewhat, and basing your decision on remission only which is what most patients do and is what most Dr’s in fact will recommend. The question you should ask yourself should be, “am I willing to be on ATD’s long term if need be”. The reason is that there is no guarantees. In the end the goal is that you have made a very well informed decision with a variety of medically acceptable perspectives. That’s really what this website is all about.

    Best to you!


    Post count: 144

    Hey Everyone,

    I mentioned in an earlier post that I was feeling great coming off PTU…which is weird for me b/c I have tried coming off PTU 4 times in 2 years and I always went hyper within like 10 days (tsh 0.001).
    I’m scheduled for Ablation next friday and my Endo needed to get labs done this week. Well, my tsh is 0.59 (normal range).

    I laughed and said that I have never been normal after two weeks of not taking ATD’s. She said that we will keep the appt. for ablation and redo labs the day before. If it is normal…then she said I could be going in remission and they will not do the ablation. How crazy is this??????

    Do you think that it is just a matter of time before I get hyper again? Does it take longer than 2 weeks to get hyper?? Has this ever happened to anyone here?

    Sorry for all the questions…Meredith

    Post count: 144

    Okay..Here is an update.

    I had TSH lab done yesterday at Endo’s office. Results came back today..NORMAL!! I’m having my radio Uptake tomorrow morning along with T3 and T4 labs. The radiologist will decide if I should have the ablation done this friday…depending on the uptake results. They think their could be a very small chance of remission…but I will know Thursday if I will have ablation on Friday…..Can’t believe that my labs are normal after being off PTU for 23 days!!!!

    Post count: 115


    No matter what the outcome of your test results, or whatever ultimately becomes your personal course of action . . . . we are all behind you! Thanks for keeping us apprised. Let us know how it goes.

    Best to you,


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