So here’s a copy of my labs. I’m on methimazole 10mg once a day. what do you think about the elevated Alk phos and my thyroid labs? My "thyroidologist" is driving me a little bonkers. she seems reluctant to increase me to 15 mg, though I think it would help to normalize both my hormones. and i still have a very small goiter. grrr.
HGB 15.3 (12.0-16.0 )
MPV 8.4 (6.6-10.1)
MCHC 34.5 (32.0-36.0)
MCH 27.1 (26.0-34.0)
Neut, Abs 2.2 (1.8-6.8 )
Eos, Abs 0.1 (0.0-0.5)
PLTS 244 (150-400)
Baso, Abs 0.0 (0.0-0.3)
Lymph % 41.2 (24.0-44.0)
Neut, Auto 46.7 (36.0-66.0)
Mono, Abs 0.4 (0.2-0.9)
RDW 13.7 (11.3-15.6)
RBC 5.66 (4.00-5.20)
Eos, Auto 2.1 (0.0-5.0)
Lymphs, Abs 1.9 (1.2-3.4)
MCV 78.6 (80.0-100.0)
Hct 44.5 (36.0-46.0)
Mono, Auto 9.6 (0.0-12.0)
WBC 4.6 (3.6-10.6)
Baso, Auto 0.4 (0.0-5.0)CMP
K 4.5 (3.5-5.0)
ALT 35 (9-52)
Na 138 (137-146)
Ca 9.3 (8.4-10.2)
AST 27 (16-50)
Cl 109 (98-109)
Creatinine 0.62 (0.52-0.99)
CO2 24 (19-30)
Prot 6.6 (6.0-8.4)
Anion Gap (Na Cl CO2) 5 (3-16)
Alb 3.7 (3.3-4.
Bili, Total 0.5 (0.2-1.3)
BUN 12 (6-21)
Alk Phos 183 (40-120)
Glucose 89 (65-99)Thyroid Labs
07/07/2009 6.2
06/11/2009 5.4
05/12/2009 6.9
04/14/2009 10.6
03/12/2009 5.4
02/12/2009 >30.0
07/07/2009 1.52
06/11/2009 1.36
05/12/2009 1.26
04/14/2009 2.35
03/12/2009 1.23
02/12/2009 4.18
07/07/2009 <0.01
06/11/2009 <0.06
05/12/2009 <0.06
04/14/2009 <0.06
03/12/2009 <0.06
02/12/2009 <0.06Sorry, we aren’t medical professionals, so we can’t put forth any opinion or judgment on lab results. Bottom line though, if you’re unhappy with the way your doctor is treating you, by all means, go to another. Either you or your insurance company is paying the salary of the doctor you have chosen, and you do NOT have to continue paying that salary if you are unhappy with your care. Whatever that takes ~ your health, your well being, your peace of mind is WELL worth anything you need to do. Consider that a good doctor can make every minute of each day of your life far better, so the impact of a few hours’ research, or a long drive to the office, seems less when you put it into the larger perspective. Whatever choices you have, make some phone calls before you head off to a new doctor. Talk with the receptionist, talk with one of the nurses, get a feel for the doctor’s "way," if you know what I mean. Ask about the doctor’s willingness to talk over finer details with patients ~ this may lead to a crowded waiting room, but again, worth the wait if that’s the reason.
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