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  • snelsen
    Post count: 1909

    Your thoughtful post certainly represents how I feel about this site. Believe me, you will have many opportunities to "pass it on," and help others. YOu already have! Thank you for reminding me how much I get from this site, and how much I want to give back to others.

    Post count: 1909

    How are you feeling now? Any better? When is your appt. with the endo? Are you still super tired? When I was hyper, I don’t think I realized how sick I really was. Unfortunately, there was no wonderful support this site offers. When I got even a little bit better, I thought I was DONE with Graves’. Big mistake. But now, things are not as bad as they were. It is good to remind ourselves that there so many people who do not use this site anymore, for they have gotten better, probably don’t even think of Graves’ every day like we do! Someday, you will be back to baseline, moving on with your life, and can write a note back saying that there IS hope of having a life again, and not needing this site. They have moved one, and one day you will too!
    Keep us posted. IT is a wonderful, safe and informative place to vent.

    Post count: 32

    Per my recent post I’ve been having a rough time lately. I just wanted to say thank you to all those who have taken the time to respond to my post and send positive thoughts. So many times we become so consumed with our own woes,we forget to say thank you to those who have helped us and reassured us in so many ways. So at the risk of sounding redundant, thank you all for your support. I hope one day I will be able to give someone the hope and support you all have given me.

    Post count: 4294

    I’m jumping in waaaaay late, as I have been travelling, but thanks so much for the positive feedback! Hope that things are going better for you.

    Take care!

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