Just wondering if this is anything to worry about. This weekend my right eye has been very “stingy” and painful, and intermittently more blurry. I already have constant double vision, so I patch to read. This is when I noticed that the vision in my left eye seems “dimmer” than the right. And I’m noticing some intermittent double vision even with my prism. Right now, for the first time since Friday in the night, the stinging seems to be diminished. Is it normal for these symptoms to sort of wax and wane? I see the ophthalmologist in about a week. Last month he said my pressure was up, but didn’t really explain what that meant, as he was rushing me off to see the orthoptist for the prism. (He didn’t think I was safe driving otherwise.) So should I wait and see if anything gets worse prior to my apt next week, or would this warrant a call to the eye dr before that?
Thanks for your help! (The GD might just be causing a bit of anxiety…)