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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Sheila, you said your last blood test was two months ago, and yet you just saw your doctor. Is he taking your blood again? Certainly, depression/fatigue and sleep problems went right along with the other hypo symptoms for me, even before my Free T-4 levels dropped very low! (It sounds like you might be lower than you think, as well). My endo prescribed an anti-anxiety/antidepression agent for me at that time, without making the kind of “personality assessment” you received from your doctor. I would be looking for a doctor with a different attitude, and probably for one who checked my blood levels more often!
    Dianne N

    Post count: 93172


    What you describe is very common among doctors who say the associated problems you
    describe have nothing to do with GD. Some folks continue to have problems and they
    are in a minority but the problems do exist. It is what you do with the problems from
    this point on that matter. One of them is seeing a psycologist. The doc may have came
    across wrong but the advise is valid. Some of the problems we experience is related to
    depression. I am not saying that GD is a depressing disease (yes I am) but it does
    cause changes in body chemistry, functioning and the like and this can cause physical

    Find a new doctor? Your call! I have switched doctors three times. I would suggest you
    get an endo on your team. I still see my internist but my endo, internist, phycologist and
    eye surgion all keep tabs on my well being and health. The “stigma” of phychrists (?) had
    kept me from going for years and thus kept me from feeling good for uears. It almost cost me
    my family and job. It helped me and statistics prove it helps others. Hope this helped.


    Post count: 93172

    It is true that fatigue, muscle aches and depression are all part of the fun
    of GD. As far as it being a personality trait, I’m not so sure. I am not doctor bashing
    when I say this, but you need to find a doctor that you can work with. If this
    person makes you feel uneasy for what ever reason, you may wish to choose another
    physician. Doctors have all different personalities, beleive me I know, like you
    I work with many doctors. I work at a hospital. I am seeing a psychologist and a
    psychiatrist. One to help me through the “disease” and one to regulate my medication.
    I fought it for a long time, I wish that I hadn’t. In a way I was angry at the
    disease, and myself for getting it. I know it sounds strange, but I am feeling much
    better and much stronger now. My advice is that if you do see a psychologist, go to
    one not in your office. Keep your personal and professional life separate. I know
    that there are laws of confidentiality, but I think you would feel more at ease
    about the whole thing if you went outside your office. Good luck…..Carolyn

    Post count: 93172


    I vote for a new doc. After four years of going thru this stuff and knowing what I now do know, I think I’d have to tell him where to put his diploma. (I have become much more vocal!)


    Post count: 93172

    Hi, everyone!

    Just made it back from another doc appointment and was wondering if
    anyone had ever had their doc tell them that the depression/fatigue/
    sleep problems etc. that come along with hypothyroidism was ‘just
    part of your personality’? I’m not clinically hypo yet, but am
    getting very close. My last bloodtest, two months ago, had my TSH
    within .15 of going over the high-normal maximum. Am I just
    overreacting to what *could* be coming along soon or can you have
    symptoms this early??? Doc told me that maybe I should see a
    psychologist which really disturbed me, ’cause I work with 40
    of them and *definitely* don’t think I need to see them professionally!
    Should I be considering a new doc now? This appointment just *really*
    bugged me. Sorry to vent, but thanks for listening. I would
    really appreciate any help/hearing from me-tooers out there who have
    had doctors suggest this. BTW, my primary physician is not an endo,
    but is a Internal Med doc.

    Sheila H.

    Post count: 93172

    Your message really pushed my anger buttons, Sheila. I would really like to know where these doctors get off making psychological diagnoses, when they’ve probably only had one course in med school. Sorry, I’m feeling snippy. Anyway, I was treated for “anxiety” by my family practice doctor for two months of raging hyperthyroid symptoms, and I guess I’m still a bit “peeved.” I think it’s time to question your doctor about his credentials in treating hyperthyroidism. As an internal med doc, he probably hasn’t seen all that many in his career. Can you get a referral to an endo? If not, have you been collecting information from the web sites, from the thyroid foundations, from books, etc. about this disease? If so, I know I would be sorely tempted to xerox the pertinant information from each and every one of these sources, highlight them in fluorescent marking pen, and send them to this doctor. I would also ask him about his credentials to diagnose psychological problems. In other words, turn the tables. I know I’m more irreverant than most people when it comes to the M.Deities of the world. My husband roomed with three med students while we were engaged, and not a single one of them would have had enough background in psychiatry or pharmacology for me to trust their judgment completely on these issues.

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