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    Post count: 93172

    Hi pmduckie,

    I love that name! :-)

    The isolation can be extremely weird, I know. The first time, I sent my small children away and kept my husband at home, under the theory that he was a grown-up and would understand about the separation. He did, but it was torture to keep him six feet away, as directed. I had a second RAI (do not panic, I am in the minority and it was only because my doctors did not speak with each other), and the second time I just told everyone to go away. Better to be completely alone than to keep an enormous “bubble” around myself. Still, it is really difficult to be all alone ~ many people will act as if you should be grateful, “oh, all that time by yourself,” they say, but there’s an enormous difference between choosing to be alone and being COMPELLED to be alone. So just do the best you can ~ I think that varying the things I was doing did help. If you have someplace where you can get outside and still be alone, do that. If you have multiple rooms in your house where you can “do things,” do that. We have TVs in two rooms, so I’d move room to room just to find a little variety in my day. We live in a neighborhood where not too many people are out walking, so I felt comfortable going for walks, and that helped.

    E-mail and the internet can be a wonderful way to spend the time ~ you’re connecting with people, safely!

    I don’t know too many people who have felt badly physically during the first couple of days, so I hope you fall into that group. :-)

    And remember, after you’re through this ~ come back and let us know what worked for you!

    Take heart, you’re on your way!

    NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I have to say that after taking the RAI I don’t really feel to bad, (outside of the Graves symptoms). I do have a sore throat but the doctor told me that is normal. After finding this site I actually feel pretty good knowing I am not alone in this and that I have the support of many people. Thanks to all the people who have made this site possible. And thanks to all the people on this site who are so willing to share and help those going through this disease.

    Post count: 93172

    I just had the RAI and am currently in isolation. This is the hardest thing I have ever dealt with. I am so happy to have found this site. If anyone would like to talk to me about Graves it would be appreciated. My email is Since I am in isolation I have plenty of time to email..

    Post count: 93172

    Hello pmduckie, it warmed my heart to see a post in here to say you’re doing well after RAI. I must agree with you that I am thankful to have found this site. Everyone has helped more, so much so that I usually can’t find the words to use to express my many thanks. Keep us updated on your recovery after RAI. I will be undergoing my RAI very soon, so I thank you for your wonderful post. Diane

    Post count: 93172

    Hi there PM Duckie. I had RAI the beginning of February and chose to do the first 48 hours in isolation just like you did. I was lucky my in-laws had an apartment not very far from the medical center (my home is 3 and 1/2 hours away from the medical center). Anyway, I got through the 48 hours by keeping focused on a list of tasks that I had decided that I wanted to get through. I am a very “task oriented” person so that gave me something to think about instead of feeling alone and sorry for myself. The aloneness is a huge issue. I have three children (age 8, 6, and 3) along with a hubby (married for 12 years) so the concept of being by myself for 48 hours was honestly daunting to me. I concentrated on three different things: reading a couple of books that I wanted to read, working on an editorial article that I had started but not completed, and watching Natural Horsemanship Videos. Outside of my family, horses are my passion. No one at my house likes to watch the Parelli videos with me, so I took alot of them along and spent many hours watching them and mentally improving my horsemanship skills even though I couldn’t be with my horses (who were 3 1/2 hours away with my family). I also took short walks, but February in Nebraska is very cold so I couldn’t ever walk very far b/c of the ice and the weather.

    My main advice is to make a list of several things that you want to do and then move from one activity to another so that you don’t get feeling bored. Also, make sure that you follow your doctors instructions regarding eating/drinking/sucking on lemon drops ect. very carefully. Doing that helped me to maximize the radiation that went to my thyroid gland and minimize the radiation that went other places in my body.

    I also had a sore throat, although mine did not start until a couple of days after the procedure. Swelling began the 2nd day. In the next few days/week watch yourself carefully to be able to manage any “leak” of hormone or increase in hyper symptoms as best you can. If you were told to take beta-blockers if your heart rate quickens, then do it. It is better to stay on top of that and not let your heartrate get out of control.

    It will be hard if you are returning home to small children to maintain the “bubble”, but just be consistent and follow the doctors instructions. I had a big dose of RAI so I had 16 days before I could have close contact with my 3 year old. I knew that it was impossible to treat my three kids differently (single out the 3 year old) so I just told all of my kids that we couldn’t have close contact (cuddling) for 16 days. You can eat dinner in the same room–just across the room and still feel a part of everything. I had to sleep alone for 7 days and couldn’t be in the car with my kids for 7 days.

    Remember that you did the procedure to fix a problem that needed fixed. Nothing is perfect, and you will have some tough days ahead; but your ultimate goal should be good health. And, you can’t achieve that without dealing with your Graves Disease. It may take a while, but everything will be ok. Don’t be afraid to contact your doctor if things do not progress the way that you think they should. This is not the time to be shy. If something doesn’t feel right, then call and ask about it. I had a strange reaction to the RAI that required additional medical attention. Although it is very unlikely that this will happen to you, you need to stay in control and not be afraid to call the doctor if you have questions.

    Good luck to you. I will be thinking of you.


    Post count: 93172

    Hello again! I’ve been enjoying our emails to one another! Seems like you’ve gotten a lot of responses from this post! Isn’t this group wonderful!! I, too, am so glad that i found it. I have gotten some really good advice from people here. This may sound weird to you, but I wish I was in your shoes right now. I’ve still got to wait another month to have RAI! I want it over with so I can be on my way to recovery! I hope all is going ok for you. I’ve been praying for you and your family. Remember, if you get bored email me. Maybe we can chat on msn or yahoo or even talk on the phone. I know you must be getting pretty bored by now. How many days have you been isolated now and how many do you have to go?? Well, take care of yourself! Talk to you soon!

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