It is the opinion of our Board of Advisors that taping is most beneficial when the eyes are not closing at night. The scarring of the cornea is much more dangerous, and likely, and must be treated preventively.Hope this helps. I understand how scarey and frustrating this disease called Graves’ can be!
Best Wishes to you,
Online Facilitator, NGDFI think that’s a perfect example of why we must all remember that we each have our own experiences to deal with through this disease, and there is no “one shoe fits all” in the world of Graves.
I have been dealing with the eyes not closing issue for 4 years. I have a great way to keep that moisture in! (My ophthy approves.) I put in the ointment, then slather lotion on around my eyes (very mild, nonfragrenced,hypoallergenic, obviously), and “glue” saran wrap on over my eyes with the lotion. Usually, I put a cold gel eye mask on over it. This works for me because I sleep propped up on a wedge and don’t roll over, so it may not work for a tosser and turner. It is so easy, painless, and it works! You just toss the wrap out and use new the next night, so there is no washing of moisture chambers, etc. I imagine it does wonders for fighting wrinkles, too!
MagThanks for the information. Everyone with Graves should know this about the TSH levels. I wish I had years ago. I could have saved myself years of misery and other related health problems. I now document daily my vitals, weight, and any medication changes. There is no disputing documentation and it makes it easier for doctors to determine the hormone dosage. Graves is an auto-immune disorder, which makes us more susceptible to other similar disorders as we get older. We need to take extra good care of ourselves. I now practice relaxation tapes daily and have eliminated all stress that can be eliminated. I wish I had known what future problems could develop 16 years ago when I first got sick.
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