My friend Sue was just diagnosed with Graves Disease today. I told her that I would get information for her.
As I look at the statements from other people with the same illness, I was wondering if anyone had any of the
same symptoms that Sue is having. She has never taken any medications for anything, and never really had any
serious symptoms. She gets the shakes in her hands really bad whenever she does anything with them, like yard
work or gardening or even cleaning the house. She found out that she has this kind of by accident.
She was having some premenstral cramping, she had milk come in, and was very tired, most of the time.
She kind of thought she might be pregnant, also having a weight gain, getting dizzy. The doctor ran tests and came
back with this diagnoses. Most of the symptoms he told her she should have are backwards to what she is
feeling. I was wondering if anyone else had these kind of symptoms?
If you could please e-mail my any comments, I would appreciate this, so that I might give them directly to