what causes cancer?
10. Crap Shoot
Deciding between the 3 treatment options was the toughest thing I’ve ever had to do. Each had plusses & significant minuses. At one point it became so difficult that I considered walking away from ALL options, until it was pointed out to me that this wasn’t a real option – that the hyperthyroidism could kill me.
I then read a study that looked at the 3 treatment options in terms of patient satisfaction AFTER treatment. All 3 can bring a person’s hyperthyroidism under control, so the study wasn’t looking at that part of it. It only sought to determine which of the 3 groups of patients were happiest with their treatment choice in the end. It found that there was no major difference between the 3 groups when well-informed patients chose their option in a way that supported their personal values.
So a person who places a high value on keeping an organ & waiting for remission above all else, will likely choose ATDs when possible and will handle the management aspect better than someone who places a higher value elsewhere. And they will be happy with that decision. A person who places a higher value on definitive treatment while avoiding surgery and its risks, will likely do better with the process of waiting out RAI & be happy with that decision once they’re stabilized. And a person who places a higher value on just being done with things and moving on as quickly as possible or who fears RAI for whatever reason will likely choose surgery despite its risks & be happy with that decision in the end.
When I began, my values placed me into the ATD category. I wanted remission or to at least hang in long enough that perhaps a 4th option would one day become available. But I was one of those people who not only didn’t feel better on ATDs – but actually felt worse. So my values changed & I became focused on definitive treatment. I chose TT, but that was because psychologically I couldn’t handle much more of the ups & downs or the waiting. I accepted the risks because at that point what I valued most was just moving on in the most direct and quickest way possible. I’ve done well & am happy with my decision. My father chose RAI because he also didn’t do well on ATDs, and was mentally very adverse to surgery and its risks. He did well and was happy with his decision. I might add that President Bush had RAI (and one would assume that he had access to some of the best medicine that this country has to offer, was well informed, etc. – and by all appearances he did very well, even jumping out of an airplane on his 70th bday!
) And we’ve all heard of many people living happily with ATDs.
Bottom line is that all 3 options have their risks & downsides. Each person has a different tolerance for what risks they are least adverse to & how those fit into their life plan. Of course we’d all prefer that we didn’t have to choose between any of them. But we do. Any are fine. How we feel about them simply depends on the person. No one option is best for all, and conversely no one option is worse for all.
My advise is to familiarize yourself with the risks and the course that each option takes. Know your own values & risk tolerance & then choose accordingly. Then try to be careful with those who are still in the decision making stage. People who are unduly pushed into one option over the other, despite their personal values, tend to be the ones unhappy with their choice in the end (at least that’s what this one study showed). Kind of makes sense, right?
AzGravesGuy wrote:Naisly wrote:I know radiation is cumulative, it stays with you forever.This is misinformation. Only certain types of radiation are cumulative.
Are you speaking of ionizing or non-ionizing? Alpha, Beta, Black Body, Delta, ELF, Electromagnetic, Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Neutron, Thermal, Ultraviolet, VLF, X? (Many of these we are constantly exposed to on a daily basis without even knowing it. Welcome to life on planet Earth.)
To make such a blanket statement is irresponsible and plays on people’s fears of the unknown. This does not make a supportive environment for patients wanting real information.
Perhaps you should look further into your “skin crawling” research and make definitive statements instead of all encompassing half truths. If you have not researched that far, please refrain from making these bold assertions.
I could ramble off a list of purported cancer causing items from Asbestos to malathion to Red #40 to stress. Information is great. Feeding speculation and fear is not. With all due respect, please be more responsible with your words in the future.
I just wanted to let you know directly that I will be making an official complaint to the GDATF board about your post to me today.
I have looked through the threads and note you have also been extremely aggressive to other women on the forum.
The fact that this has not been moderated is very worrying.Quote:This is misinformation. Only certain types of radiation are cumulative.Are you speaking of ionizing or non-ionizing? Alpha, Beta, Black Body, Delta, ELF, Electromagnetic, Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Neutron, Thermal, Ultraviolet, VLF, X? (Many of these we are constantly exposed to on a daily basis without even knowing it. Welcome to life on planet Earth.)
As the title says – Just curious about RAI. which is Iodine-131 a radioactive isotope of iodine. Ionizing radiation is Alpha, Beta, Gamma and x-ray. RAI has both beta and gamma.
Quote:To make such a blanket statement is irresponsible and plays on people’s fears of the unknown. This does not make a supportive environment for patients wanting real information.Wouldn’t it had been nicer to ASK how I go the information instead of assuming I was wrong?
Quote:Perhaps you should look further into your “skin crawling” research and make definitive statements instead of all encompassing half truths. If you have not researched that far, please refrain from making these bold assertions.Again, Wouldn’t it had been nicer to ASK how I go the information instead of assuming I was wrong?
Quote:Okay enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have opted for RAI and when the times comes, I’m doing it.
There is nothing wrong with this decision, I only want an open and honest discussion about RAI But, you don’t need to yell at me.
Quote:Will I get cancer? who knows? There are so many things that cause cancer, we are all sitting ducks and one thing is for sure, WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE. Guaranteed. I bet on it.This is why I HAD SAID:
But what I will say is, Yes you may get cancer, You may not get cancer. Then again you may or may not get into a car accident if you don’t wear your seatbelt. Or you may or may not kill someone if you drive drunk.
Kimberly, I am a little bit confused why you posted what you did. This thread is to discuss RAI. Not all three treatment options. And I did not mention ATD’s being the better treatment option. But hey, I see how it is, people can discuss surgery at length, or ATD’s but no one can have a open conversation about RAI – BOTH GOOD AND BAD.
Threatening to report a fellow member to the Board? Over what? Sorry…but doesn’t this qualify as “paternalistic”? Is it time for all of us to leave this Board to you & those you like or agree with?
It’s a shame. You have some good insights and meaningful stories to tell. But, for me, they’re getting shrouded in my fear of what you’ll post next. And to whom. Will it be me next? Or another person I like and respect? Personally, it’s stressing me out. Will you now be reporting me to the GDATF Board?
ChristinaDe wrote:Threatening to report a fellow member to the Board? Over what? Sorry…but doesn’t this qualify as “paternalistic”? Is it time for all of us to leave this Board to you & those you like or agree with?It’s a shame. You have some good insights and meaningful stories to tell. But, for me, they’re getting shrouded in my fear of what you’ll post next. And to whom. Will it be me next? Or another person I like and respect? Personally, it’s stressing me out. Will you now be reporting me to the GDATF Board?
Have you read this man’s posts to people? Have you read his post to me this morning? It was incredibly abusive. I am deeply concerned about the bullying on the forum and why it is not being moderated. His post to Naisly on this thread is also totally inappropriate. Why is it ok to to shout at her? Or be so aggressive to her? It’s not is the answer.
I have just emailed the foundation asking them to please intervene to remedy this situation.
And the very reason I would ask that they do so is because I believe that nobody should have the right to bully other users. It is extremely upsetting.Naisly wrote:Kimberly, I am a little bit confused why you posted what you did. This thread is to discuss RAI. Not all three treatment options. And I did not mention ATD’s being the better treatment option. But hey, I see how it is, people can discuss surgery at length, or ATD’s but no one can have a open conversation about RAI – BOTH GOOD AND BAD.I posted the comment because it appeared to me that there was really an agenda behind this post, as opposed to “curiosity”.
Anyone on this forum who has asked about cancer & RAI has been provided with info on the 3 studies that are specific to RAI as a treatment for hyperthyroidism. There’s no attempt to hide or suppress information.
If I am off base here, please feel free to correct me, but it seems that you are on a mission to get other members to choose ATDs as their treatment option. It’s been a great option for you. And for me as well. But is it right for everyone? Not at all, and others here have eloquently stated their own personal reasons for making the choices that they did.
If you compare *only* the benefits of one treatment option with *only* the risks of another, you really aren’t providing people with balanced information. And I would hate to see someone rely on this kind of slanted information to make such a critical decision.
If others would like to continue discussing RAI and cancer, I certainly have no issues with that. I would just caution people to use credible sources and to realize that studies done only on thyroid cancer patients (who receive a much higher dose) vs. patients who are hyperthyroid might not be relevant.
You know I’m not feeling well today and somebody here is lucky they don’t live where I live because they are cruising for a bruising. LOL!
I’m gonna just chillax. You all go ahead and fight. I’m not into it.
Quote:I posted the comment because it appeared to me that there was really an agenda behind this post, as opposed to “curiosity”.I am correcting you. You are just so wrong with your ASSUMTION.
Quote:but it seems that you are on a mission to get other members to choose ATDs as their treatment option.How exactly so? I have gone through every post I have made and there is no reference to this. If anything, I talk a lot about labs (which you yell at me for), other than that, I answer questions.
Why on earth are you alienating me? What have I done to DESERVE this. I am sure you ill find something else wrong with what I have wrote here, like you do everything else I write.
So in your mind it is ok for people to talk to each other as AzGravesGuy talked to me? And you won’t step in why? Do you really hate me that much?
You know, it took 6hrs for me to write this, because quite frankly I didn’t know where to start or what to say. It shook me up pretty bad. I laid in bed crying for most of that (I haven’t cried since sept). This was the only place I could go to, to get away from my real life – a life that frankly sucks! vanillasky, you think your husband is bad – try to live with a alcoholic who doesn’t feed us, doesn’t turn on the heat in the winter, abuses my autistic son, a son who threatens to kill himself, a daughter who ran away because of the above, run and operate 2 businesses while dealing with my own health.
My point is, I come here every single day hoping I might make a difference in someone’s life, to get away from abuse, that perhaps it would add some purpose to my own.
But honestly, I don’t know how much more I can take of either.
If disagreeing with statements made labels me as aggressive, abusive, or a bully, then the environment for an objective discussion never really existed.
With that said, I end my participation in this thread.
I am also done with this thread. Done with the thread, not with individuals.
I wish the best for everyone, on or off this thread. But the ongoing conflict is not my interest.
Shirley@Naisly – I am truly sorry for the personal issues that you are facing. No one should have to go through that. I wish the best for you and your family.
I also apologize if my previous statement about your reasons for starting this thread was incorrect. It seemed to me like it was a “baiting” type of situation to try and get a reaction from other members here, but if you say it was not, I will take your word.
However, please note that there are guidelines in place for this board that I have been charged with upholding. It makes my job MUCH more difficult (and quite frankly, much less enjoyable) when posters deliberately push the limits of these guidelines. I haven’t taken the time to pull the specific thread up, but as I recall, one of your recent comments started, “I don’t care what anybody here says…”
You have also posted derogatory comments in other threads that were personally directed at me. Debating facts and opinions on this forum is absolutely welcome – but these were *personal* comments.
You obviously have a lot of knowledge, and I absolutely welcome your contributions here — *if* you are willing to honor the Foundation’s guidelines in all communications associated with this forum.
I personally would not like to see anyone leave this forum.
I’ve had the pleasure of being helped by alot of you, and love how informed and helpful you all are.
There should be able to have open and meaningful conversations about all subjects here. I welcome all the opinions of everyone of you. And I think since us adults can usually see and get what we need from a discussion, I don’t see the harm in discussing the pros and cons of any single treatment.
I chose RAI, but if I were to be choosing for say my daughter for instance, I may not choose the same. I just like to be informed and this forum does a great job of it.
Quote:However, please note that there are guidelines in place for this board that I have been charged with upholding. It makes my job MUCH more difficult (and quite frankly, much less enjoyable) when posters deliberately push the limits of these guidelines. I haven’t taken the time to pull the specific thread up, but as I recall, one of your recent comments started, “I don’t care what anybody here says…”http://www.gdatf.org/forum/topic/43314/
How did you get I was talking about ATD’s? This whole thread was about labs.
Quote:Now, I don’t care what anyone says, she has the right to understand her labs so she can work TOGETHER with her doctor.This is what I said at the bottom of my post.
This poor girl could have DIED when her endo took her off of the ATD’s, and it upset me greatly. She wasn’t even on beta-blockers. And everyone here just stood around twiddling their thumbs while her doctor was dosing her on TSH (because hey, forum guidelines state we CAN’T talk about it). She posts that she has new labs and having trouble because apparently she keeps going up and down/up, that she has a hard time being regulated and being told it was her fault(and not the doctors). I wanted to show her that she actually hasn’t gone ‘up/down/up’ That if her first endo (which she fired) was doing his job, she wouldn’t have run into this trouble of being HYPO. Patients feel their best in the upper half of the ranges is even noted in AACE and AAFP, how is that giving medical advice? (I can understand if I told her to go home and lower her dose) Specially when you do it all the time — “…According to AACE…” And what a joke, I didn’t say anything else in this thread. I wasn’t ‘deliberately pushing the limits of the guidelines’
Quote:You have also posted derogatory comments in other threads that were personally directed at me. Debating facts and opinions on this forum is absolutely welcome – but these were *personal* comments.Are talking about recently with mslux? But exactly what does that have to do with this thread? Are you caring over a grudge because I disagreed with how you handled the situation with mslux? Because this is the only time I disagreed with you. Again, what does this have to do with me starting a thread…
And the only reason I did start this topic was because of questions like this one – http://www.gdatf.org/forum/topic/43321/ and I find they never get any real concrete answers. So I thought it would be healthy to talk about it.
Quote:If disagreeing with statements made labels me as aggressive, abusive, or a bully, then the environment for an objective discussion never really existed.It wasn’t the fact you disagreed, it was how you said it, as I pointed out.
On the American Cancer Society site it does. People who swallow the RAI increase their risk of breast cancer by 53 percent. I have no family history and am now facing breast cancer. Graves docs should be telling their patients these risks. I would have chose surgery had I been told.
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