I’ve been sick for at least 2 years with Graves’. Got diagnosed in August 2012. Took until about a month ago to get my levels normal. Doctor has me on block and replace, so 10 mg methimazol and .1 mcg levothyroixine (T4).
Even with normal labs I have felt really lousy. This week I convinced my doctor to at least try T3. He said that wasn’t standard protocol but conceded when I couldn’t stop crying in his office (which was only after I raged all over him)
Started T3 a couple days ago. HUGE difference. I realize it doesn’t help everyone, and it goes against the “standard of care” here in the US. But despite that I still ache, my hair continues to fall out and I’m still tired (but not quite as), it has improved my clarity and mood and the bags under my eyes are receeding.
Again, I’m early in, but the impact has been pretty intense. I’m hesitantly hopeful, which I have not been in a very long time.
Just throwing this out there.