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  • optimist
    Post count: 17

    You are not alone, all this does effect our mental standing. The good news is that once you get stabilized those thought won’t be as prevalent. I was actually ok and accepting of the fact that I have graves. I thought to myself ok this has probably got to be one of the top 5 non destructive minimal mortality rate and can be easily managed while on meds. Well then I started to look at my labs and noticed other antibodies and realized I most likely have hashimotos which is another auto immune disease. I try to skim over the horror stories and really take in the positive ones. I actually feel fine, it’s just the unknown and the possible future unpredictablenesd of the disease that scares me. I often find myself quoting scripture and repeating the promised of GOd over me. That does seem to help some.

    How are you feeling? When is your next appointment? Maybe you can find a friend to confide in. I find I can slip into the blues if I stay home all day. The weekends have been the hardest bc I’m less busy and have more time to think. It’s been a month since I had a mild thyroid storm and about 3 weeks that I found out I had graves. Wanna know how I found out? By looking at labs from 1.5 yrs ago. Unfortunately Gp’s think if your antibodies are in range then you don’t have graves. They really really need to be educated in this area!!

    Post count: 17

    Typing from phone, sorry for TYPO’S!!

    Post count: 25

    So I’m still new to the whole world of GD. I have only been diagnosed for about 3weeks and I am taking 10mg of methimazole. I am wondering if anyone else has strange thoughts like suicidal/homicidal thoughts. It is quite scary. I never have had these prior to being diagnosed with GD, but I feel as though I am going crazy. I would never act on these thoughts, just feel very disturbed that it has been happening. I feel like I am CRAZY, to say the least. I haven’t gotten my period in a few months and use to get it so regularly. My hormones are all out of whack. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced these symptoms as well. I have a hard time focusing on things for long periods and also find myself with short term memory loss, even though I can remember past events fine. Please help! I hope this isn’t a sign that something else is wrong with me.



    Post count: 79


    I definitely felt suicidal several times over while I was hyperthyroid–so much so that my primary care doctor twice wanted me to hospitalize myself (I didn’t, because I knew I wouldn’t act on it, but she wasn’t wrong to be worried). I remember, for example, making my next 6-month dentist appointment in March and thinking to myself, "sure, I’ll make this appointment, but I could easily not be here in November." Now, with that appointment coming up, it is hard to believe I ever felt like I did back in March. I didn’t feel homicidal but I can see how that could happen.

    PLEASE: if you are feeling unable to control these feelings, or even if you just need to talk to someone about them, seek help from your doctor, who can refer you to a mental health professional if you are not already in touch with one. Even if you know the feelings are caused by the hyperthyroidism (and it is a 99% chance that they are), it can help to talk them out.


    Post count: 4294
    Krystal25 wrote:Please help! I hope this isn’t a sign that something else is wrong with me.



    Hi Krystal – I just sent you a PM with a personal message from our founder, Nancy Patterson. (She has been having issues accessing the bulletin board).

    Please keep us posted on how you are doing!

    Post count: 100

    Hi Krystal,
    It is very good that you have contacted the Bulletin Board and have let us know what your feels are. Many many Graves’ patients have experienced depression and gotten over the depression and been well again. Travelling the rocky road can be longer than we all wished.
    We very much want to help you get through this difficult period. Talking on the phone might help both of us. I am sure for myself I would gain a better understanding of your difficulties and for you I would better be able to help you. If you wish to speak to me send me an email to Please give me your phone number and the best time to call. You may also reach me by calling the toll free number (877) 643-3123 and leaving a message (ask for Ellen Brightly) on our office voice mail.
    In any case let us know what your present course of action is even if it is to just let us know that you are trying to figure out what the next best thing is for you to do. We want to know.
    I look forward to your reply on the Bulletin Board, email or voice mail.
    Ellen Brightly
    Administrative Assistant
    Graves’ Disease Foundation
    400 International Drive
    Williamsville NY 14221
    Toll-free — (877) 643-3123

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